Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Account Off Line

I will post some pictures from last weekend later this evening.  My blog got spammed and I could not access it since Sunday.  Did not know what was wrong at first.  Should be fixed now.  Pictures soon.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rode to NYC (Almost)

After several days of rain delay I took the day off and rode to New York City from Lancaster--at least as far as I could get.  I rode 145 miles, stopping at 640pm at Metropark Train Station in Edison NJ, 145 miles from home.  I might have made it farther, but I slept late--till 7am!! And I did not leave until 8am!
10.5 hours later I still felt pretty good, but I wanted to actually go to NYC.  I got to NYC at 720 pm and still had time for a 5-mile ride to get me to 150 miles before I got something to eat.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blogging About Bicycling

The following is today's post at my day job:

National Bike to Work Week has been a difficult one this year: rain all over the northeast has stopped all but the most addicted riders from a two-wheeled commute. But even if you spend today groaning over the weather, the sun will be out next week. In the meantime, you might consider how bicycling is the most chemistry (and chemical) friendly ride in the world.
Any serious cycler knows what their frame, fork, seat, handlebars and even drink bottle cages is made from. If you think it doesn’t make a difference, pop into a bike shop and witness the array of parts of sale. The staff will be happy to educate you – if you have an hour to spare. Because weight is so critical on bikes, even small components are made of different materials. Over the years I’ve ridden bikes made from steel, titanium, aluminum, titanium and carbon, and just carbon. When different grades of steel were common, I – like many riders – knew which type I had; in the 80s and early 90s top racers rode frames of Reynolds 531, a manganese-molybdenum alloy steel, while riders with less cash settled for a 4130 ChroMoly.
In 2004 Cannondale introduced a carbon-aluminum bike called Six13. What could be cooler for the chemist on wheels than a bike with atomic numbers for a name? There’s also the Trek Carbon and LeMond Titanium, for anyone who wants their favorite elements front and center.
So ride a bike and join a very big fraternity of chemistry geeks. Carbon frames or no, biking reduces your own carbon footprint. It also improves your health, saves your wallet, and – as long as it’s not raining – makes even Monday morning something to look forward to.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Graduations Today

Just got back from my oldest daughter's graduation.  Lauren graduated from Juniata College today.  My step-daughter Iolanthe has graduated from Bryn Mawr College as I write this post.  They are 200 miles apart, so I could not get to both.


Two done!  Three to go!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SEAL Mania

Today's Washington Post included an article on the new books coming about Navy SEALs.  I am reviewing one now for Books and Culture on line.  I'll talk about that in a later post.  Beyond the serious books by former SEALs, it turns out there are Navy SEAL Romance Novels!

The review begins:

"Ever since an elite unit of Navy SEALs stormed a fortresslike compound near Islamabad, Pakistan, and killed Osama bin Laden, people can’t get enough of the SEALs. There are some who want to know what it’s like to be one, and others who want to know what it takes to become one. Then, there are those who want to know what it might be like to, well, “be” with one."

It's a fun review.  Check it out!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Racing with the Boss

The commander of 2-104th Aviation, LTC Joel Allmandinger, is an avid bicyclist.  He mostly rode mountain bikes before our deployment.  He rode in Iraq also and won the individual category in the Thanksgiving Day Biathlon held at Tallil Ali Air Base in 2009.  On Saturday we competed in different races at the same time as part of the Turkey Hill Country Classic.

LTC Allmandinger races in Category 5, at least until he moves up to Cat 4.  I race in the 50+ category.  Since he is 40 even when he moves up to Cat 4 and can do age-group races, we won't be in the same races.  He won a race three weeks earlier at Farmersville Lancaster County.  It was a cold day with rain on and off and wet roads for the whole event.  I finished way behind the leaders.

It wouldn't seem like one weekend a month is a big deal, but serious bicycle racing means racing a lot.  We go to summer camp for two weeks in June, but that means three weekends.

The civilians in my life think drill weekend is physical.  Actually, drill weekend cuts into my exercise routine.

Oh well, at least we get paid to miss races.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

National Asian Pacific and Jewish Heritage Month???!!!

Definitely WTF? was my first reaction when I saw the email from our Unit Readiness NCO with an official notice that May is National Asian Pacific and Jewish Heritage Month.

Is this celebration only for those who are Jewish and Asian-Pacific?  The official Army letter said nothing one way or the other.

It turns out that this month, besides being my birthday month and the birthday month of my step-daughter Iolanthe, is also Older Americans month.

So I am 50% qualified for Jewish Heritage Month by birth, definitely qualified for Older Americans month by my birth being 58 years ago, and since I have visited the Asia-Pacific region several times, I would certainly celebrating going back there--at least all-expense paid.

While budgets are cut and training money gets pared to the bare minimum, it's nice to know there is still money to pay a retired colonel to advise all PA soldiers it's time to celebrate our Jewish and Asia-Pacific Heritage.

Of course, for all of us who were horrified by September 11, 2001, from now on May will be

Osama Bin Laden Is Fish Food Month.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Obama Kills Osama--Rush Lives in "Realityville"

On Sunday on the way home from my second of two races, I tuned into the Rush Limbaugh highlights show.  I try to listen to Beck, Limbaugh, Savage and Hannity once each month so when I make fun of them, I will have something to quote, not just mention that together they (and all the rest of the Commentariat on the Right) have served exactly ZERO days in the military.

On Sunday Rush said, "I live in Realityville.  If Obama ran today against any Republican, that candidate would win in a landslide."  He went on to say that a plurality of America supports the Ryan budget and the media is distorting the outcry against it.

OK Rush.

And with Osama Bin Laden making the world a better place as shark food, do you really think the latest draft-dodging comb-over Pansy Patriot (Trump) could beat the Commander in Chief of that Navy Seal raid.

It would, of course, be too much to expect the one-note chorus on Right wing radio to celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden and acknowledge that the President took a big risk in going after the scum bag who planned the attack on America.  If the raid had failed, and it could have, they would have been attacked the President quicker than chicken on a June bug to use the southern expression.

How's things in Realityville Rush?

Blogging Conference Wrap Up

Timing is everything.  If the news out of Washington had been two days earlier, the military blogging conference would have been a celebration of finding and killing Osama Bin Laden.  Jim Dao was at the conference reporting for the New York Times.  His article talks about how military blogging has gone corporate.  Originally it was grunts reporting on the mess they were living through and in some cases getting shut down.

By the time I started blogging in 2007 some of the controversial web sites were already shutting down.  Many more family members are bloggers, which is a good trend.  Military families suffer a lot.  During a deployment like mine where my little physical danger threatened us, my family still had to wait for a year wondering if the war would suddenly turn for the worst.

But for those of us who served during Viet Nam and the Cold War, the whole idea of blogging, even if it has less of an edge than in 2003 is still way ahead of the controlled world of the 60s and 70s.  And really, many soldiers over 30 still don't know what a blog is.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

At Military Blogging Conference

I am at the social media session at the Military Blogging Conference.  I sent a few tweets to #milblogcon on my twitter feed @sgtguss.  The results of the Milbloggie awards are in.  They only list first place and I didn't win.  Thanks to everyone who voted for me, especially the Theta Sorority at the University of Richmond and the Eagles Womens Soccer Team at Juniata College.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Air Assault Training Photos

I am putting together the battalion newsletter and was re-sizing the following photos.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Voting is Easy: Please Vote!

Voting is now open for the 2011 Milbloggie Awards.  I am in the first category, Army blogs, and about eight down the list.  If it opens in a small window, you may have to scroll down.  My blog is "Home from Iraq."
Thanks in advance for your vote!!

Milbloggie Awards 2011 Begins Tonight

At least that's what they said on the Web site.  I am one of the finalists in the Army category.  Last year voting was a pain.  this year they said it would be better.  I will try it out when they open up voting and see if it really is easy.  Thanks to everyone who voted last year.  I will be at the milblogging conference Saturday and see the other contestants.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jacari's Adoption Hearing Goes Smoothly

Today we adopted Jacari in Lancaster County court.  From left is Amanda Moore, Jacari's social worker, Nigel, Jacari, Annalisa, me and the Judge.
Since Jacari is 12, he took the witness chair and said he wanted to be adopted.  The hearing is mostly a formality, but it still marks a big change for Jacari and our family.
The judge said we would get an official birth certificate in 6 weeks and that it would be perfectly legal if Jacari decides to run for president.

If anyone reading this is in the Lancaster PA area, we are having an adoption party tomorrow from 6 - 8 pm.  Send me an email if you need directions.

More Air Assault Shots

Here's some more.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Air Assault Training in Western PA

More later, but for now, a few shots from a hillside on a farm where Alpha Company, 1-10th Infantry, 2nd Brigade practiced air assault and extraction.  These photos are of one of the platoons running back to the Chinook at the end of the mission.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This morning I showed up for a 0730 mission brief at the Flight Facility on Fort Indiantown Gap, PA.  When I got there, the day's mission had already been cancelled for weather.  The mission to western PA may be rescheduled for tomorrow when the sun is shining.

I went to Plan B.  Go to Marquette Lake and watch fire-fighting training with Blackhawk helicopters.  Our Blackhawks were slated to scoop up water from the lake and practice dropping it on a point and across an area.  I went to the lake 30 minutes ahead of the first mission.  An hour later I switched to Plan C--take pictures of two soldiers from Echo Company who were graduating from the Warrior Leadership Course.  That worked.  Graduation was indoors, on time.

Then I went back to the lake.  It was beginning to rain.  I waited about 15 minutes but the mist turned into rain, the wind kicked up to 25 mph.  Mission cancelled.

Tomorrow the main mission, air assault training for an infantry unit in Western Pennsylvania may go ahead as planned.  More tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Milbloggie Awards 2011

Tomorrow night nominations open for the Milbloggie Awards for 2011.  I will be attending the Milblogging Conference at the end April.  When voting opens next week, I will be asking you to vote for my blog.  The people who run the site promise it will work better than last year.  I will post the link after I try it out myself.  Last year I know it was a big hassle to vote.  If it is as bad as last year, I won't ask.

Thanks in advance.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Half Marathon with My Wife and Running with the Boys

On Saturday morning I ran the Garden Spot Half Marathon in New Holland PA.  I did not run more than seven miles at one time in the last month and my time showed that.  I finished in 2:09:14.  Even allowing a half-minute to get to the start line a pace of 9:50 per mile.  My wife and I started together with Catherine, one of her running partners.  Catherine dropped back right after the start so Annalisa and I ran together for the first eight miles.  The out-and-back course was more uphill on the way out, more downhill on the way back.  Annalisa is faster than I am, but I run better up hills, so I would go ahead up hills then she would catch up on the flats and fly downhills.  She was way ahead on the downhill to the turn around, but at a short, steep hill on the way back, I caught up.  The next big downhill she was gone.  We finished a minute apart.

Terilyn, another member of my wife's running group, skipped the event , but brought Nigel and Jacari to cheer for Annalisa and I.  She is good with a map and brought the kids to cheer for us at mile 5, miles 8 and mile 12.  Some other people we know who were running told us afterward that Nigel and Jacari  cheered louder than anyone else along the course!

Jacari ran the last mile with Annalisa.  Nigel ran the list mile with me.  When we got home, Nigel and Jacari ran another mile with me.  They run at least two miles with me each day on weekends when I am home and sometimes during the week.  On Sunday, we ran another two miles.  Nigel was hurting on the second mile, but his brother Jacari stayed with him right to the end.  Nigel did not quit and even put on a short sprint at the end.  I finished third.

We sing Army songs when we run.  It seems to help them.  Some of them are Army classics "C-130 rollin' down the strip. . ." and some I make up.  If I see one or both of the boys are feeling lazy, I make up a song with "My Little Pony" in it.  My Little Pony is a very girlie toy advertised on the Cartoon Network.  If I make up a line with "I wanna play with My Little Pony" they both straighten up and keep running.

John Fetterman--The Gift That Keeps on Giving to Pennsylvania, America and the Free World

The Pennsylvania delegation at the Ukraine Action Summit visiting Senator John Fetterman On the second morning of the Ukraine Action Summit ...