Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Field Guide to Domestic Terrorists: The Oath Keepers

Oath Keepers charge up the steps of the Capitol on January 6

 The Oath Keepers, a white supremacist terrorist group, had a big role in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. A New York Times report names many of the conspirators and shows how many are military veterans.  

One of the moments in the coverage in which my heart sank on January 6 was seeing men in battle gear.  In the following days I realized how close we were to an overthrow of the government when I saw a video of the scene above when men in battle gear, Oath Keepers, charged up the Capitol steps. If they had found Mike Pence or other leaders, they would have killed them.  

In September of 2008 before I went to Iraq, I went to a Live Fire Shoot House. It was a week-long course with live ammo on how to storm and secure a building.  We went into the buildings we attacked in a line just like that used by the Oath Keepers.  The men in that line had military or police training or both. All of them should be tried for treason. 

This is how the Anti-Defamation League, ADL, describes the Oath Keepers: 

The Oath Keepers are a large but loosely organized collection of anti‐government extremists who are part of the broader anti‐government “Patriot” movement, which includes militia and “three percenter” groups, sovereign citizens, and tax protesters, [Boogaloo Boys] among others. What differentiates the Oath Keepers from other anti‐ government extremist groups is that the Oath Keepers explicitly focus on recruiting current and former military members, police officers and firefighters (although they accept anyone as members). 

The ideology of the Oath Keepers most closely resembles that of the militia movement, whose adherents believe that the United States is collaborating with a one‐world tyrannical conspiracy called the New World Order to strip Americans of their rights—starting with their right to keep and bear arms. Once Americans are rendered defenseless, the theory goes, they too will be enslaved by the New World Order. 

The Oath Keepers aim much of their propaganda at military and police, reminding them that they swore an oath to defend the Constitution “from all enemies, foreign and domestic” and asking them to pledge to disobey unconstitutional orders they might get from superiors—orders that explicitly or implicitly refer to various militia‐related conspiracy theories, such as mass gun confiscation or rounding up Americans to put them in concentration camps. 

Each theory relates to the notion that the United States government is falling under global governance and will at some point use police and military members to enforce the New World Order’s dominance. The Oath Keepers urge military and law enforcement personnel to step up to stop the conspirators.

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