Showing posts with label Evangelical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evangelical. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Paragon Becomes Moral Relativist

The moral absolutes of peace and prosperity can melt like snow in the Sahara when faced with a threat--real or perceived. A man devoted to love and the Kingdom of Heaven fifty years ago now believes the election of Democrats will be the end of Christian America.  

When I got to my first active-duty base in October of 1972, I got a roommate.  Since my first service was the Air Force, I only had one roommate, not eight or a dozen.  My roommate was another 19-year-old named Don.  

He was unlike anyone I had known growing up in a northern suburb of Boston.  I never knew a teenager who was seriously religious.  I grew up nominally Jewish, but did not have a Jewish mother, so most Jews didn't think I was Jewish.  

Don was in Church Sunday morning and evening, Wednesday evening and maybe more than that if he could.  He took the Bible literally and seriously and wanted to tell everyone about Jesus.  He was also a great roommate. He was clean, neat, did not play loud music and was gone a lot--at Church.  

If Don had been a soldier, he could have been "Bible" in "Fury." Don was that sincere about his faith.  I lost touch with Don when I left the Air Force in 1974.  In 2019 he saw a post I made on and Air Force veteran Facebook page and called me.  We talked a couple of times, but we did not continue speaking.  He was a clearly a Trump supporter so we stopped talking before we had a dispute over politics.

This week, with Trump out of office and the impeachment trial underway, I thought I would ask Don what he was thinking about the state of the country.  

I called and left a message.  His phone flipped to voice mail and the greeting was "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten ... " ending by identifying the words read as John 3:16 and asking me to leave a message.  

The next day he called.  I first told him the impression he made on me 49 years ago.  All the rest of us in the barracks lived to get high and get laid, but he had a higher purpose.  In 1972 he was against sex outside marriage, smoking, drinking, gambling, drugs, greed, lying, and all the other Thou Shalt Nots of the Bible.  

So I asked him how he and other Christians could support a perpetual fountain of sin like Trump.  His first reason was abortion, we would return to that every few minutes.  The other was Israel.  He acknowledged Trump lies, but said all politicians lie and believes Trump is no different.  

After we exhausted all of the various reasons why it was the right thing for Christians to attack Bill Clinton based on character while excusing Trump, he got to the central issue of his support for an unrepentant and bragging sinner.  Don believes the country went wrong in the 50s when prayer started to be removed from school.  He said America is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles and that America stopped honoring God and chaos followed: sex, drugs, rock and roll, abortion, and defeat in the Vietnam War.

I asked how he felt about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  America was an apartheid state until Jim Crow laws were dismantled. He thought a white man was always at a disadvantage now because of quotas.  And he was very angry about political correctness--that if he says the wrong thing even in jest and someone is offended he could lose his job or worse. 

When we talked about January 6 and Trump's attempt to steal the election and take power as a dictator, Don said he would not support that. If the coup had succeeded support would not be an issue, I said. Free and fair elections would have ended in 2018. He said the election of Democrats this year would mean there would never be another free election, that Democrats would rig the elections going forward. 

For me, January 6 very nearly ended American democracy. For him, democracy did end on that day.  At one point, I asked him if he could tell someone about Jesus with a MAGA hat on.  Forty-nine years ago, Don could and did tell people about Jesus in chow hall, in the latrine, at bus stops, and anywhere else he could.  

Nixon was President when we were roommates. Watergate unfolded during that time. I can't remember caring about it. I don't remember ever talking about politics with Don. At that time Pentacostals like him were more likely to be apolitical than concerned with politics.  

But nearly fifty years later, a country with legal abortion, legal gay marriage, and what he perceives as cancel culture is not his country. Trump, as I have heard in many focus group reports, is the choice of people who believe fake history conjured by the likes of Michael Barton  whose books have been debunked by historians. He and others like him have created the myths that fill the minds of Believers when they hear MAGA.  America was great in the 50s. America was great in the Antebellum south. America was great when Andrew Jackson broke treaties with Native Americans.  

So Don voted for Trump in 2016 to save America from Hillary Clinton. He voted for Trump in 2020 to save America from Radical Agenda of Joe Biden.  And after listening to the blizzard of lies from Trump, he believes it is the Democrats who will be stealing all the elections from this day forward.  

Somehow Don's moral certainty of 1972 has slid full-throated support of a man was willing to overthrow the government and cheering when it almost happened. 

Trading the Kingdom of Heaven for the Tyranny of Trump seems to me a very bad deal, and sadly, one made by millions.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

A Book Justifying Support for Trump by White Evangelicals


I am reading a book by a white Evangelical Christian justifying his support of the "chaos candidate." I am reading it with two friends who are Christians who live in German and are trying to understand the trumpian Church in America.
The author quotes Christian leaders who celebrate him as a "Chaos Candidate." These trumpians see the white Evangelical Church as embattled by dark forces of secularism who want to take away their freedom.
Imagine those who say they worship the Creator of the Universe celebrating chaos! Chapter 6 has extensive quotes of those celebrating the chaos candidate.
It reads like a librarian celebrating book burning.
The book is a strong confirmation in Church language that the trumpians in the Church, like all trumpians, love their orange idol because he hates who they hate.
Another chilling bit of clarity in the book is that in his reptilian instinct for power, trump has found a huge loyal group who really, deeply celebrates his authoritarian goals. The religious people who support him want rights reversed for everyone who is not them.
MAGA re-elected will reverse gay rights, abortion rights, women's rights, voting rights, the rights of the disabled, worker's rights and when the steamroller gets some momentum going, Bill Barr will reverse civil rights.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Evangelical Escapees Around the World

When I travel, one of the categories of people I meet are Evangelical Escapees. Sam fits in that category.  He grew up in central Ohio in a family that was in Church twice on Sunday, Wednesday, and his teens youth group on Friday put him in Church at least four days per week. Three times a year, the big Church had a weeklong salvation event. In the summer, the whole family traveled around the south. His father was teaching and preaching at Camp Meetings. 

Sam, of course, had no choice about attending any or all of these services. For him, childhood was managing boredom attending events he had no interest in.  He was interested in science. His dad was a high school principal for a day job, but Sam was walled off from advanced studies because he had so many commitments outside school. “I never had time to really do homework. I did okay in school, but I wasn’t like the kids who took advanced classes.”

Sam left home after high school and eventually became a professional mountain bike racer. He married a researcher with a PhD in bioinformatics who got a job at French pharmaceutical company. Sam opened a bike shop in Paris.  He has a clientele of amateur athletes and some professionals on the French national team. He is a perfectionist who does bike fitting for people who want top performance. 

Sam is in his early fifties, tall, thin and fit. He is a strong rider who is very much part of the cycling community in Paris.  He speaks French with an American accent. He has a strong voice and speaks slowly. When I have heard him speak to clients, I can understand him a lot better than the native French speakers he is interacting with.

Sam says his parents really lived the faith they proclaimed. His problem was with nearly everyone else in his Church life. He learned racial epithets at Church before he heard them in “the world.”  And in the kind of Church he grew up in, Creation Science, the arrogant lunacy of asserting the earth is 6,000 years old was the only science. 

Better than Brainwashing--a convoy leaving Camp Adder, Iraq.

Sam is very far from his childhood: physically, spiritually, culturally, but not as far as a soldier I served with in Iraq. David heard me arguing with some Creationists in the mess hall before we deployed. He came up to me later and asked, “Can you really be a believer and not believe all that [Creationist] shit?” He had been told the opposite all through his childhood. He enlisted because he wanted to get away from home and Church, but he could not to a secular college. So, he turned 18 and headed for Iraq.  War was better than brainwashing. And after deployment he went to college with the GI Bill. 

David went back to his childhood hometown after serving in the Army, but got the secular education he wanted. Sam keeps in touch with his family, but is happily staying quite far from home.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Book About A Martyr, Written by a Sellout

Two views of Flossenburg where Dietrich Bonhoeffer was murdered.

Eric Metaxas is a noted author and one of the most loathsome sellouts of the Trump era, rivaling Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham.

Why?  Because he knows just how evil Nazis are and despite that Metaxas is a drooling supporter of Donald Trump.

Seven years ago, Metaxas published a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a martyr to the Nazis. The biography makes clear Bonhoeffer was murdered by the racist Nazi regime.  Bonhoeffer was hung by the neck with piano wire by the Gestapo during the last month of the war.

Metaxas wrote a biography of martyr to the Nazis and then backed a Birther for President.  Not only a Birther, but a candidate who made a white supremacist his campaign manager.  And like Germans who saw more danger in communists than in Hitler, Metaxas backed a pussy-grabbing racist who has no need for forgiveness for President because he believed Hillary Clinton would be the ruin of America.

On June 20, 1939, Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran Pastor, left a safe haven in the United States for Germany. In just over two months, World War II would begin. Almost six years later Bonhoeffer would be murdered by the Nazis just before their final defeat in 1945. This summer, I visited seven Concentration Camps and Holocaust memorials, camps like Flossenburg where Bonhoeffer was murdered.

Bonhoeffer was safe and welcomed in the U.S.  Why did he return to Nazi Germany? He said:

I have made the mistake in coming to America. I must live through this difficult period of our national history with the Christian people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people…Christians in Germany will face the terrible alternative of either willing the defeat of their nation in order that Christian civilization may survive, or willing the victory of their nation and thereby destroying civilization. I know which of these alternatives I must choose, but I cannot make this choice in security.

After Charlottesville, Metaxas remains a supporter of Trump and therefore the "fine people" chanting "Jews will not replace us." He also brought a speaker to New York who believes the same Sharia-Law-in-Tennessee conspiracy theory believed by the Nazi and white supremacist marchers in Tennessee in October. Metaxas has even posted meme linking the shooter in Las Vegas with the shooter of Representative Steve Scalise.

On October 3 at the Union League in New York City, Metaxas had a $400 per person dinner to launch a new book he wrote about Martin Luther. Luther began the Reformation, but near the end of his life he had anti-Semitic rages.  Does Metaxas excuse Luther’s hatred Jews? I don’t know because I won’t touch the book.

George Washington to Donald Trump--Falling into a National Abyss

  George Washington was a brave and passionate young man who by will and desire controlled his internal fires. He made himself the stern man...