A Chinook helicopter looks huge inside and out compared to any other helicopter in the Army inventory--until you try to fit a Humvee inside of it. Then the very big Chinook helicopter looks a lot smaller when you see a Humvee backing into it. The Humvee is just a couple of inches narrower than the cargo area of the Chinook. It also fits within just a few inches on top.
But it fits. Here are some photos:
Veteran of four wars, four enlistments, four branches: Air Force, Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard. I am both an AF (Air Force) veteran and as Veteran AF (As Fuck)
Showing posts with label Chinook helicopter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinook helicopter. Show all posts
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Taxi, Take Off and Hover Videos of Chinook Helicopters
Every time I take photos and videos of Chinook helicopters, I am too close and getting buffeted by the amazing wind from their blades. A reasonable distance from an Apache or Blackhawk helicopter is just too close to the big double-main-rotor Chinook.
Four Chinooks just after starting their engines on the flight line.
The moment of take off. I am behind a metal emergency equipment container so I don't get blown over.
Another takeoff. You can see the flattened grass from the wind.
Four Chinooks just after starting their engines on the flight line.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Photos of 28th Combat Aviation Brigade for Fort Rucker
During the February drill weekend, our Command Sergeant Major asked for a disc of 200 or so phots to send to the Army Aviation Training Facility at Fort Rucker, Alabama. We regularly send pilots and other aircrew there for training and the flight school asked for photos of 28th CAB.
Here are some I picked out of the 10,000 or so photos I have taken over the last six years. Now that I have actually looked through then, a large percentage are of ceremonies, mostly changes of command. None of those photos are included:
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Trading a Guitar for a Gun--Who Fights Our Wars
By the way, this photo is used at the Army Sergeant's Major Academy as an example of BAD SAFETY PRACTICES!
The story is here: Trading a Guitar for a Gun.
Or here:
Seven years ago, then 18-year-old Nicholas Raia of Altoona,
Pa., brought his trumpet to an audition for the Pennsylvania Army National
Guard band. He aced the audition and until last summer was member of several
performance groups within the band. Over those seven years he performed more
and more with the band and ensembles playing the guitar for recruiting events
and celebrations. For more formal military ceremonies he now plays the
baritone—a small tuba.
After seven years in the band, Raia, now a sergeant, decided
to take a year away from performing and volunteer for a combat tour. Since
mobilization in January, Raia has served as a door gunner on a CH-47 Chinook
helicopter with Company B, 2nd Battalion, 104th Aviation Regiment.
“I felt that after 7 years in the Guard, it was my turn to
do my part overseas,” said Raia.
To get ready for the transition from full-time student and
weekend band member, Raia volunteered for additional training in weapons. In
June 2008, Raia attended the Small Arms Master Gunner course at Fort Indiantown
Gap, Pa. To prepare for hand-to-hand combat he completed the week-long Level
One Combatives Course in July. At the end of September, he was one of 10
Soldiers in the first class trained in the new Live-Fire Shoot House also at Fort
Indiantown Gap.
His transition from band member and college student to door
gunner had difficulties training could not help.
“It was a decision that I struggled with for a while,” Raia
said. “It’s one thing to tell your loved ones you are being ordered to leave
and a totally different animal entirely when you are trying to explain to them
that you are voluntarily leaving.”
Over the years he was in the band, Raia came to believe he
should deploy with a combat unit.
“Our job (in the band) is unique in that we are in the
public eye often, and we often get thanked for our service by people in our
audiences,” Raia said. “I would find myself conflicted, because while it is
true that we, as a unit, were serving our country in the way in which we were
meant to serve, I also felt as if I should be doing more.”
Raia had several friends in the Guard who deployed overseas
at least once in their careers. He said he felt those were the Soldiers who
truly deserved to be thanked.
“I felt that after seven years in the guard, it was my turn
to do my part overseas,” he said.
His final decision to deploy was met with mixed emotions.
“My unit could not have been more supportive of my
decision,” Raia recalled. “They helped me get everything on the military side
of the house in order prior to my deployment and have made it a point to ensure
it would not affect me negatively upon my return.”
His friends, on the other hand, were confused by Raia’s
“Many of my friends are not in the military and I think that
makes a big difference,” he said. “People in the military think a little
differently than those who are not and most of the Soldiers in the military
today could probably easily understand the feeling of responsibility that
compelled me to deploy.”
“My family worried about me and they were not real thrilled
that I would volunteer to leave them for a year to go to a combat zone. Raia
continued. “My family has been super supportive of my decision. Any previous
uncertainty or worries has given way to pride in what I am doing.”
Before deployment, Raia completed all the requirements for a
bachelor’s degree at Penn State with a double major in Criminal Justice and
Psychology. He plans to bring together all of his training, experience and
education by becoming a police officer after deployment—except on National
Guard weekends when he will be back on stage or in formation at ceremonies in
the 28th Infantry Division Band
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Aviation Photo Contest Photos
I entered three photos in the Army Aviation Association of America photo contest. Last time I entered, all of the photos were of aircraft over Afghanistan and Iraq. It's hard to compete with combat photos. So this time I decided I would enter three photos (the maximum allowed) with no photos of aircraft in the air. In fact all three are very much on the ground and only one has aircraft.
The first one was a photo of grounded aircraft in heavy fog in January of 2014. All the photos have to be in calendar year 2014. The second is of mechanics from 628th Aviation Support Battalion pulling a broken truck out of three feet of water. The third is from Dunker training.
The first one was a photo of grounded aircraft in heavy fog in January of 2014. All the photos have to be in calendar year 2014. The second is of mechanics from 628th Aviation Support Battalion pulling a broken truck out of three feet of water. The third is from Dunker training.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Chinook Helicopter Creates a Rain Shower!!
I stood close to water drops by Blackhawks on three previous occasions. They were fun to watch, but much smaller than the Chinook drop. When the Chinook lets the water go, the spray covers thousands of square yards of ground. In this case, dropping water across the length (300 yards or so) of the Lake Marquette.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Great Book by Brit Chinook Pilot
I wrote a review for Books and Culture of Sweating the Metal by Alex Duncan, Chinook Pilot in Afghanistan:
Sweating the Metal
Happy 50th Anniversary to the Chinook helicopter.Happy 50th Anniversary to the Chinook helicopter! This month, the huge, twin-rotor aircraft capable of carrying 40 soldiers and tons of cargo marks 50 years of service in the US military and in the air forces of more than two dozen other nations.
In 2011, the Chinook was in the news around the world. On May 2, the Chinook helicopter on the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden extracted the Navy Seal team as well as the crew of the ill-fated Blackhawk that crashed on landing at the Bin Laden compound. Bin Laden's body left Pakistan on the Chinook. The Chinook's size made it possible to complete the mission when the primary Blackhawk was down.
In August, that same colossal size (a full 99 feet from the front of the forward rotor to the back of the aft rotor) made a Chinook a big enough target that a single Taliban gunner with a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) could bring the copter down. More than 30 Navy SEALs, Afghan commandos, and crewmembers were onboard for a night mission. All were killed.
But neither of these incidents is typical of the tough-under-fire utility of this hulking helicopter. For a rousing description of flying a Chinook in combat, look no further than Sweating the Metal by Chinook pilot Alex Duncan. Written at a breathless pace, the book shifts easily from technical descriptions of aircraft and procedures to clipped dialogue and action-packed combat narrative.
Although Duncan never goes three pages without using the f-word, he does spare his audience transcription of the speech of British soldiers. Both when I served in Germany in the 1970s and in Iraq in 2009, I trained with British troops. Their ability to cram properly pronounced foul language into every sentence surprised even the most foul-mouthed American soldiers.
A British sergeant leading an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) briefing in Iraq pronounced the "ing" clearly when using the f-word as a verbal adjective for each of the 30 IEDs he showed us. Duncan uses the f-word five times in one three-line paragraph to convey the alarm of one of his crewmembers who landed under fire in the wrong place, but for the most part he limits himself to a few per page. When I try to describe life in the army, particularly the 77-man tent I lived in for three weeks in Kuwait, I find it is a tricky balance to convey the profane speech without coming near transcription. Duncan does a good f-ing job.
Another balance Duncan tries to strike on every page describing combat is the use of acronyms. Soldiers in general and aircrew in particular have an opaque language of acronyms that is real speech to them. I currently serve in a Combat Aviation Brigade, and I find pilot jargon beyond incomprehensible when they speak to each other. Readers who have never flown in a military aircraft will be turning repeatedly to the seven-page glossary at the end of the book. Since some of Duncan's jargon is peculiar to the RAF, I found myself looking up LCJ (Load Carrying Jacket), CAS (Chief of Air Staff or Close Air Support depending on context), and a few others.
Duncan writes in the first person. So, when he is angry the reader can feel the warm temperature of the page. In Chapter 14 (of 40), he talks about waiting for a seat on a flight home. This is one of the chapters with high f-word density, including spelling out the acronym REMF. I will leave it to the reader to look on page 105 or Google it. The chapter is about the hassles of combat soldiers when they are marooned on a large base with non-combat soldiers.
The dispute dates back at least as far as the era of King David, who is recorded in Scripture as commanding that those who guard the baggage get a share of the spoils along with the frontline troops. Duncan clearly would cut the REMFs out of the distribution of any benefits. Yet he makes clear in this chapter that the soldiers he disparages live through daily mortar and rocket attacks, eat dust, and regularly deal with the contempt of people like him.
Many of the missions Duncan flies are what the US Army would call MEDEVAC. The Brits have their own acronyms. Several chapters describe rescuing wounded soldiers under direct fire. I read one of these chapters to my 12-year-old sons. They were caught up in the excitement, but it was a lot of work for me translating those acronyms into something the boys could understand, not to mention bowdlerizing the text and substituting exclamations.
When Duncan mentioned weapons, the boys' questions led me into a ten-minute digression on the M60 machine gun mounted on the Chinook's tail ramp and the miniguns mounted in the doors. They were so excited with what tracers are and how they look when they arc to the ground that we barely got back to the story. They especially liked the British nickname for the 3000-round-per-minute miniguns: Crowd Pleasers, the Brits call them. The next night we went back to Tom Sawyer.
Duncan is very good at technical explanations. Little by little, the reader learns technical details of the controls and instruments of the Chinook helicopter. Page 135, for example, features an excellent description of Night Vision Goggles (always called NVGs by the crews). We also learn chapter-by-chapter about life at home in Britain as well as on the big base at Kandahar and on the forward bases. One cumulative effect of Duncan's descriptions was to make me jealous of British deployment. Tours for US soldiers are one year long. British flight crews spend two months in country. Ground troops, six months.
In the course of the story, the reader gets a sense of how pervasive American popular culture is in the life of British soldiers—and really for all English-speaking soldiers. He says "Let's get out of Dodge" over the intercom, knowing the crew will understand his intent. Same with "Captain Obvious" and many other references to American movies, American songs, and so on, no doubt including some that I am too old to recognize.
And speaking of popular culture, Duncan mentions the DVDs that are everyone's favorite at their base on Camp Bastion: The HBO Series Band of Brothers. Soldiers can be as cynical about war films as doctors are about hospital dramas, but I have never heard a bad word about Band of Brothers. The men I served with in Iraq and Duncan's mates all at some level want to follow Major Dick Winters from Normandy to Berchtesgaden in World War II.
While these descriptions gave me a real feeling for Duncan's life, they helped to make the book too long. The climactic scene when Duncan's Chinook is hit by an RPG begins almost 220 pages into this 300-page book. If the book were shorter by a third, tightened by a ruthless editor, it would be even better.
That said, I would happily recommend Sweating the Metal to anyone who wants to get a good sense of the war in Afghanistan and what it's like to fly the biggest helicopter in the Army inventory.
Neil Gussman is communications manager at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. He blogs atarmynow.blogspot.com.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Happy 50th Birthday Chinook! Flood Rescue Videos
Happy Birthday Chinook!! The big helicopters mark 50 years of service today.
You can follow links from my battalion's Facebook page if you want to know more.
Scroll down and you can watch videos of our helicopters rescuing flood victims two weeks ago.
By the way, if you have not LIKEd our page yet, please do so, and send the link to your friends. I post all the pictures from drill weekends on the battalion page and my page.
In Iraq, a very funny soldier who hated wearing PT belts on base created a PT Belt fan page that has more than 16,000 fans.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Visit to Boeing Chinook Factory in Ridley Park
On Friday a large group from Fort Indiantown Gap toured the Boeing Chinook factory in Ridley Park near philadelphia.
Boeing Photographer Alan Chalfin took my picture while I was taking pictures of our tour group.
Boeing Photographer Alan Chalfin took my picture while I was taking pictures of our tour group.
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