Showing posts with label tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoo. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Tattoos are Rare in Panama


Sleeve tattoos like the one above are common in Panama City, Florida, not mention Philadelphia, Portland, Pittsburgh and Phoenix, but not in Panama City, Panama. Across the Central American region, tattoos are rare.  

One reason is the association of tattoos with gangs and drug cartels. People with tattoos were seen as part of those groups. 

A barista in Panama City who is college age said she and her friends don't get tattoos.  No particular reason, they just don't.

I have been living in Panama since November and just noticed that I don't see tattoos everywhere, as I would in any major city in America or Europe.  

Today I rode the both subway lines in Panama. The five-car trains are open. You can see from one end of the train to the other.  As far as I could see, no tattoos.  At one busy stop a security guard with a tattoo got on the train. If I rode a subway in New York, Philadelphia, or DC, I would have a hard time finding people without tattoos. 

It was a woman with sleeve tattoos that made me aware that I was not seeing tattoos.  When I saw her fully-inked arms in an outdoor restaurant I realized I had not seen sleeve tattoos for months--since I was last in Philadelphia. The woman with sleeve tattoos I saw here was an American tourist, not a Panamanian.

As perception, I know it is much harder to "see" what is absent than what is present so I don't feel too bad about not noticing that people in Panama don't have tattoos. I also wonder if I was simply seeing "normal" for most of my life.  Before this century, most Americans did not have tattoos. For fifty years, I lived in the world where tattoos were rare.        

Now they are everywhere--in the US.  

But not here in Panama. 


Friday, July 9, 2010

Got a Tattoo--1st Armored Division Patch on my Right Calf

Today at 4pm I went to Transcending Flesh on Chestnut St. in Lancaster to get my first tattoo!  I got the 1st Armored Division unit patch on my right calf.  It is very visible in a group of bicycles and invisible in a suit.  Just right for me.

It took about an hour after 30 minutes of prep.  Ben, the artist who did the tattoo, said it was going to itch like crazy and I am not supposed to scratch it.

When we were in Iraq, the commander of 1st AD put in orders to award the combat patch to the pilots who flew him on missions, mostly in Alpha Company and me for some things I did for 1AD.  Then the orders were revised to include all of 2-104th Aviation.  But so far the orders have not been finalized.

All the years I served in tanks (1975-84) I was in infantry divisions, so I never wore an armored patch.  With the 1AD patch I finally got to wear an armored patch, but now it is on hold, maybe forever.  So in the absence of orders, I can wear my 1AD patch where my bike buddies can see it.

Here's the actual patch:

George Washington to Donald Trump--Falling into a National Abyss

  George Washington was a brave and passionate young man who by will and desire controlled his internal fires. He made himself the stern man...