Friday, March 14, 2025

The Divider


Those who love Trump believe he has many talents.  But one stands out. He is better than anyone at dividing people.  His instinct for what will tear apart any group is nearly flawless. 

This week, Jews across America get more divided each day over the arrest of Mahmoud Kahlil. Why did ICE arrest Kahlil?  They could have deported a dozen, a hundred, or more students on visas and had very little blowback.  On a student visa, supporting terrorists is automatic deportation.  

But Kahlil has a green card so his free-speech rights are ambiguous. He is not a student but is living in student housing. His wife is eight months pregnant so he is more sympathetic than that other supporters of Hamas terror.  

Why him?

Because he will give Trump a controversy to point to every time something does not go his way. Kahlil will likely get deported. The conservative high court is not going to give him the benefit of the doubt if it gets that far.  

For Trump, the support for Kahlil is just another deep-state defense of terrorism.

For some Jews Kahlil is a terrorist who should be deported, for others, he has rights and Jews should protect the rights of everyone because we will be next.

Whatever the fate of Kahlil, the divisions among American Jews will be deeper.

The Divider

  Those who love Trump believe he has many talents.  But one stands out. He is better than anyone at dividing people.  His instinct for what...