Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What Will We Do With the Sedition Caucus?


Helsinki 2018, selling out America to her enemies

Now that the President who sided with Vladimir Putin against our government is out of office, America will have to deal with the liars and traitors left who still hold office in our government.

Congressman Lloyd Smucker voted against me and everyone else in his district who cast legal votes in the election.  Smucker along with seven other Pennsylvania congressman voted not to certify the election in Pa. AFTER the a mob of white supremacist terrorists invaded the Capital.  

Another member of the Pennsylvania Sedition Caucus is Scott Perry. My commander in Iraq in 2009-10 repeated all of Trump's lies about the election and voted with the murderers who invaded the U.S. Capital.  

They joined more than 100 other seditious Republican members of congress and eight senators--led by Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.  

None of the Republicans who voted for Trump's lies and against America should hold office, but they do. Now that the Traitor-in-Chief has returned to his Dacha (Дача) in Florida, I can focus on fighting the sedition caucus here in Pennsylvania.  Before his traitorous vote on January 6, I would not have believed Smucker could be defeated, but he can.  He will always be defined by his vile vote.

The same is true of Scott Perry. He won by several percentage points in 2020, but his unwavering support of Trump's unending lies will be his undoing.  

Despite Trump, Smucker and Perry, America is still a democracy.  One down, two to go in 2022.

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