Sunday, September 5, 2021

Fascists and Fundamentalists Don't Care if You (or your mother) Die


Anti-vaxx, anti-mask Republicans don't care who dies

Fascism has no ideology.  It is not a coherent system of beliefs.  Fascists:

--Love violence

--Love displays of strength, especially against weak victims

--Ally with nationalist religion

Fundamentalists of whatever nationalist religion, strive for theocracy, because when their god is in charge, they get to speak for god.  

Fascists and fundamentalists take different routes to domination, but their goal is the same: full control of a state remade in their image.  

In the case of Islamic extremists, Jihad is fascism and Sharia is fundamentalism.  The Islamic fundamentalists who want to form caliphates bring together political fascism and fundamentalism in a state that is maiming and murdering its own people.

I wrote in 2016 that Trump is neither Hitler nor Mussolini because those fascist dictators were men of considerable personal courage--that was their path to power.  Trump is whining bully who plays a strong man on TV.  

But Trump is a fascist. After he left the White House, the Republican Party has become more fascist than he is.  

Fascists and fundamentalists are united in not caring how many of their own people die. A fascist of course wants to kill "them," anyone who is not part of their country, party, etc. And every fundamentalist is quite sure their god only cares about those of their faith--the rest of the world is going to Hell.

Neither fundamentalist nor fascist cares if you die. They don't care if your parents die, your kids, your neighbor, your spouse as long as they are triumphant.

Trump worshippers deny he is a fascist, but 2020 made clear Trump's fascist credentials as golden as his toilet.  Trump would not do anything to stop the spread of COVID if he thought it would hurt his chances of re-election.  He turned people against masks, he made antivaxxers of his own people, he did not care about COVID initially because it was brown people and old people dying in blue states as the sad chart above shows.

But now, the sick and the dead are the anti-vaxx, anti-mask dimwits who are Trump's most loyal worshippers. Trump does not care.  Most Republican leaders don't care. The Republicans who do care are hounded and threatened.

Right now in Afghanistan, the Taliban will be forcing Sharia Law (their sick interpretation) on their country.  They will put their Islamic fundamentalist program in place by beating, maiming, raping, enslaving and murdering their own people.  And they will believe they are doing their god's will.

Right now in America, Republicans are pushing a Christian fundamentalist agenda in part because the biggest group that voted for in higher numbers for Trump in 2020 than in 2016 was Evangelical Christians.  

Sacrificing their own people is not a bug of fascism or fundamentalism, it's a feature.  

Nazis are a special case of fascists with an anti-Semitic ideology.  Italian fascists were not anti-Jew immediately, but they got around to it eventually.  French fascists are deeply anti-Jew. They are the source of the Great Replacement Theory that was behind Trump's invading caravans. French fascists like an intellectual veneer on their hateful ideology.  They despise Trump. 


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