When Bravo Company, 1-70th Armor went to Germany in 1976, our First Sergeant was Robert V. Baker. Top Baker was a veteran of both Vietnam and the Korean War. He was not old enough to serve during World War 2, but none of us believed it. Top Baker to us was REALLY old. Nearly 50 according to the unit clerk who peeked at his records and told everyone just how old Top Baker was.
Top Baker was a very sharp guy and a very good tanker. But this tall, thin, graying soldier had a wandering indirect way of speaking that drove us crazy on several occasions. Once in the Spring of 1977 we were in formation on a cold morning in short sleeves because the Army said it was summer. Top Baker told us one of the washing machines in the barracks was broken and could not be repaired any time soon. With great gestures, but without actually looking at us, Top went on for almost 20 minutes talking about washing clothes in Viet Nam which led him to remember that the maintenance people responsible for that field laundry facility were a bunch of "Silly Punk Mother F**kers." Once he wound himself up to using SPMF we knew he would be talking for another ten minutes at least.
I personally got the SPMF treatment once when during major maintenance of my tank. We turned in all 63 rounds of main gun ammo. It was during this part of my life that I started signing documents with an "N" followed by a wiggly line. The Army required 63 signatures of the tank commander for ammo turn in and 63 signatures to reload the tank.
The trouble this particular time was one of the rounds was missing. I was signed for that SABOT service round. I was an SPMF and Top Baker was going to make sure that I was busted right down to SPMF Private!!!
It was a clerical error so I did not get "busted right down to Private." I noticed to my great relief that during the period in which my sergeant stripes and my future in the Army were in jeopardy, Top Baker never referred to me as a "Non-Tanker." Anyone could make a mistake and be an SPMF until the mistake was corrected, but a Non-Tanker was a fundamental flaw.
I heard at the 70th Armor reunion that Top Baker passed away not long after he returned to America in the early 80s.
Even when I was shivering in the cold, waiting for Top Baker to wrap a 20-minute digression on washing machines in the Army, Top Baker was one of my favorite first sergeants.
Veteran of four wars, four enlistments, four branches: Air Force, Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard. I am both an AF (Air Force) veteran and as Veteran AF (As Fuck)
Showing posts with label soldiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soldiers. Show all posts
Friday, May 8, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Who Fights Our Wars? Southern Men
I don't know the soldiers in this photo, but I do know that if we could find the home address of every one of them, two out of three would be from the eleven states of the Old South or from the West--between the Rockies and the Sierras.
At the reunion dinner of the 1-70th Armor last Saturday night, those who attended were mostly officers plus a few senior enlisted men. We served together from 1975 to 1979, the first years of the all-volunteer Army following the end of the draft.
Military service has always been more honored in the South than in the rest of our country, but until the Vietnam War, the draft meant that soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines came from all over the country. I enlisted in 1972, during the last year of the draft. Already, anti-war sentiment was so strong in the Northeast where I am from, that I seldom heard a Boston accent on a military base.
By the time the draft was over and I was a tank commander in the 1-70th Armor, the military had become a very Southern organization. More so among the officers than among the enlisted men.
In 1980, 1407 students graduated from Harvard University. Two of them joined the military. Five of them took blue collar jobs. One of them was an apprentice to a some who hand-built chairs.
But in the same year, more than 40% of the male graduates of Baylor were in ROTC and joining a branch of the military. I served with guys from Alabama and Georgia who said almost half the boys in their graduating class joined the military.
A total of 371 students graduated with me from Stoneham High School near Boston in 1971. A total of 12 of us ever served in the military. Two of us enlisted during the Vietnam War.
As I met and reconnected with people at the 1-70th Armor reunion on Saturday night, everyone I spoke to was from the South or the West. Many of them served in Vietnam. All of them began their training to become military officers during the Vietnam War even if the war ended by the time they were commissioned.
On Sunday morning when the reunion ended, I rode northeast from Gettysburg back home to Lancaster. As far as I know, I was the only one who would be North of the Mason-Dixon Line by the next day. Many of the men at that reunion survived jungle warfare in Vietnam, then we all waited together for the Soviet tanks just over the East-West German border to fire the first shots of World War 3 right at us. Some of them went on to serve in the Gulf War. A few of us even went to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But as much as I am Yankee and would live in New York or Paris if I could live anywhere, I have spent more than 40 years admiring the way the American South has supplied our nation with soldiers and leaders, especially since the end of the draft.
I have even developed a taste for grits and gravy--but I am NOT going to go as far as eating chitterlings, trotters or listeners. To me, pigs are ham and bacon--that's it!
Friday, April 24, 2015
One More Year! In the Army Till I'm 63!
Today at 2pm I got a voice mail from SSG Steinmetz in the Admin section of 28th CAB to call her. When I called she read me a line from a message from National Guard Bureau in the Pentagon saying that "SGT Gussman's request for extension for one year has been approved."
With that I am staying one more year. The journey that began January 31, 1972, with the guy in the picture below getting drunk in a bar in Kenmore Square, Boston. . .
Saw the same guy straighten up, make sergeant and become an Army tank commander. In the photo below I am on a field training exercise in Germany in 1977.
The guy in the photo above left the Army and went to college in 1980, then re-enlisted in 2007 and in 2009 deployed to Iraq--with a bicycle.
And ended that tour with the guys below and "The best job I ever had."
One more year. Thirteen more weekend drills. I am hoping to do Annual Training twice this summer.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Who Fights Our Wars? Pamela Allen Bleuel
On the left in this photo is the subject of a blog post I wrote in 2009 in Iraq. She is Pamela Allen Bleuel, a tough, funny woman who ran convoy training at Camp Adder. She is shown here in Afghanistan in 2012. Follow this link to the 2009 post. I changed her name at the time, so you will see Sgt. Beaufort.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Bitching About Fitness-Optional Soldiers
Recently I was on the phone for about a half hour with a reporter from Deseret News. The topic was soldiers and fitness. She is writing about how soldiers and sailors pork up after they leave active duty. Here's the article.
Well that is their right and privilege as Americans.
We were talking because I sent her an email about how going on active duty for training causes me to work out LESS, not more. She said I was the only soldier she spoke to with that experience.
If there is one vast difference between the military in the Viet Nam Era and now, it is the fat, out-of-shape soldiers. There was the occasional fat supply sergeant or cook in the 1970s Army, but when our Brigade did 4-mile runs in Germany, the vast majority of the soldiers, including us smokers, stayed in formation.
The information the reporter had said that half of the men in women in Guard and Reserve units could not pass the fitness test for their branch of the military. And every active duty unit has soldiers hanging on by a thread trying to pass the fitness test or just giving up because they are too short (of time left on their enlistment) to worry about their lack of fitness.
Currently the Army is forcing out soldiers who are out of shape. At least they are forcing out younger soldiers who are out of shape. The Guard still has master sergeants and warrant officers who are 50 pounds past meeting the height and weight standards, but are untouchable because they know their jobs so well and know how to get around the fitness standards.
And, of course, the vast majority of soldiers who are out of shape have as their first excuse, "I am good at my job." Great. Work for Boeing or Ford then. Soldiers should be able to Move, Shoot and Communicate. A soldier who is out-of-breath after running a mile in shorts and sneakers will never shoot straight after running three miles with full battle gear.
And because we are in the Guard, the high-ranking fat guys make of the PT Test. I have gone to official functions with fat guys performing a skit making fun of the PT Test. During the same month I saw the fat guys yuck it up about the PT Test, I talked to a sergeant I knew. He was getting out because he could not pass the PT Test the next month. He was a good armorer and supply sergeant, had 15 years in and will not be able to retire. He did not want to stay in the Army enough to lose the weight and he was not blaming anyone.
But the porcine performers making fun of the PT Test will retire with huge pensions and a Meritorious Service Medal.
And that is sad.
Here is the Duffel blog view.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Movie Review: "Burnt by the Sun"
From beginning to its very sad end, the movie simmers with menace, but most of the time is a story of a happy family at their summer home.
At the beginning, tanks on maneuvers line up for an assault along the tree line next to a wheat field just abut ready to harvest. I knew this scene from the time I spent in Germany moving tanks across fields and farms. Sometimes, the tactics we were ordered to use required us to tear up a farm field. We had a German-American team following us who paid farmers for the damage, but the farmers were still upset when we tore up their land.
At the opening the movie, ten tanks line up side-by-side to attack a hill through a wheat field. The farmers yell and bang on the tanks with pitchforks. Colonel Kotov convinces the tank unit to move around the field.
Kotov is a hero. As the day progresses, Kotov becomes more and more vulnerable until a black car takes him away to his death.
As Nigel and I walked home from the movie I asked why he liked it. First we talked about the tanks. They were actually BMP Armored Personnel Carriers with turrets stuck on them.
But then he said he liked the family doing things together. We adopted Nigel several weeks after he was born. From the first day in our home, he had three doting sisters who were 9 to 11 years older. Until Nigel was seven he was surrounded by a big family a dog named Lucky and two cats: Athos and Porthos.
Then when he was almost eight, his two older sisters went off to college. A few months after his ninth birthday, I went to Iraq for a year. Then that fall, his third sister went to college. During the year I was in Iraq, it was just Nigel, his Mom and Porthos--by this time Athos and Lucky had died.
Nigel clearly misses the big family that he spent his first seven years in. Since then we adopted another son about Nigel's age, had another woman move in for a few year's who was about the age of Nigel's sisters, and we have another big dog.
It was clear when I got back that Nigel was very proud of me for going to Iraq, but not very happy that I left. This movie which I saw as wrenching tragedy he saw as a really nice family.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Trading a Guitar for a Gun--Who Fights Our Wars
By the way, this photo is used at the Army Sergeant's Major Academy as an example of BAD SAFETY PRACTICES!
The story is here: Trading a Guitar for a Gun.
Or here:
Seven years ago, then 18-year-old Nicholas Raia of Altoona,
Pa., brought his trumpet to an audition for the Pennsylvania Army National
Guard band. He aced the audition and until last summer was member of several
performance groups within the band. Over those seven years he performed more
and more with the band and ensembles playing the guitar for recruiting events
and celebrations. For more formal military ceremonies he now plays the
baritone—a small tuba.
After seven years in the band, Raia, now a sergeant, decided
to take a year away from performing and volunteer for a combat tour. Since
mobilization in January, Raia has served as a door gunner on a CH-47 Chinook
helicopter with Company B, 2nd Battalion, 104th Aviation Regiment.
“I felt that after 7 years in the Guard, it was my turn to
do my part overseas,” said Raia.
To get ready for the transition from full-time student and
weekend band member, Raia volunteered for additional training in weapons. In
June 2008, Raia attended the Small Arms Master Gunner course at Fort Indiantown
Gap, Pa. To prepare for hand-to-hand combat he completed the week-long Level
One Combatives Course in July. At the end of September, he was one of 10
Soldiers in the first class trained in the new Live-Fire Shoot House also at Fort
Indiantown Gap.
His transition from band member and college student to door
gunner had difficulties training could not help.
“It was a decision that I struggled with for a while,” Raia
said. “It’s one thing to tell your loved ones you are being ordered to leave
and a totally different animal entirely when you are trying to explain to them
that you are voluntarily leaving.”
Over the years he was in the band, Raia came to believe he
should deploy with a combat unit.
“Our job (in the band) is unique in that we are in the
public eye often, and we often get thanked for our service by people in our
audiences,” Raia said. “I would find myself conflicted, because while it is
true that we, as a unit, were serving our country in the way in which we were
meant to serve, I also felt as if I should be doing more.”
Raia had several friends in the Guard who deployed overseas
at least once in their careers. He said he felt those were the Soldiers who
truly deserved to be thanked.
“I felt that after seven years in the guard, it was my turn
to do my part overseas,” he said.
His final decision to deploy was met with mixed emotions.
“My unit could not have been more supportive of my
decision,” Raia recalled. “They helped me get everything on the military side
of the house in order prior to my deployment and have made it a point to ensure
it would not affect me negatively upon my return.”
His friends, on the other hand, were confused by Raia’s
“Many of my friends are not in the military and I think that
makes a big difference,” he said. “People in the military think a little
differently than those who are not and most of the Soldiers in the military
today could probably easily understand the feeling of responsibility that
compelled me to deploy.”
“My family worried about me and they were not real thrilled
that I would volunteer to leave them for a year to go to a combat zone. Raia
continued. “My family has been super supportive of my decision. Any previous
uncertainty or worries has given way to pride in what I am doing.”
Before deployment, Raia completed all the requirements for a
bachelor’s degree at Penn State with a double major in Criminal Justice and
Psychology. He plans to bring together all of his training, experience and
education by becoming a police officer after deployment—except on National
Guard weekends when he will be back on stage or in formation at ceremonies in
the 28th Infantry Division Band
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Valentines Day and Retirement
On Valentine's Day my fellow veterans, you might think America loves Veterans and that could never change. But don't bet your future on it. I enlisted during the Viet Nam War when soldiers were scum to much of the nation. Many soldiers I know cheer for the politicians who are taking cutting retirement money for police, for firefights, for teachers and other government workers. You may have noticed recent news reports that talk about the how military retirement costs almost as much as paying the current force. Only 20% of soldiers who enlist stay in till retirement.
I am not writing to protect my own retirement. I can't stay in the Army long enough to retire. I won't get any retirement. But I know a lot of soldiers who are staying in just to get their 20 years and retire.
Since the 80s big business has figured out many ways to drop retirees from fixed-benefit pensions.
In the past decade, local and state governments have figured out how to take retirement benefits away.
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, including all retirees are barely one percent of the population of America. The men and women who deployed to our recent wars three, four, five, ten times or more should be ready for another fight to keep their retirements.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What's Next Neil??
I could give several answers to the question:
- Since I am out of the Army next spring, I can actually race again without Army training eating up all the weekends at the peak of the race season in May and June.
- Jim Dao and Ethan Demme both want to do Half Ironman events next year. I could be interested in that.
- Next month is the 28-mile March for the Fallen--in uniform with a 35-pound Rucksack.
But here's the definite answer:
- Shoulder surgery, probably in January 2015.
- Dental implant next month.
- Tomorrow I will find out if I am getting a root canal or another dental implant.
- Three crowns.
All of the above are things I put off because I did not want to interrupt Ironman training.
So the answer to "What's next Neil?" is getting various parts of my body repaired from Ironman training, previous crashes and the wear and tear of living more than 23,000 days.
Another dimension of "What's next?" is what I am doing now that I work two days a week and go to Philadelphia just once a week. Ten years ago when I worked as a consultant, I took a course at F&M College each semester: French, five courses in Ancient Greek, two each in Organic Chemistry and Physics.
This semester I signed up for Russian 101. Hearing that I did this, one of my running buddies (who is multi-lingual) said, "Language is not like the Ironman. There is always more to learn. There is no finish line."
Tough Mudder vs. Ironman, Part 3
Tough Mudder vs. Ironman, Part 2
Tough Mudder vs. Ironman is Here
Second Tough Mudder Report
First Tough Mudder Finish
First Tough Mudder Photos
First Tough Mudder Entry
Ironman Plans
Ironman Training
Ironman Bucket List
Ironman Idea
Ironman Danger
Ironman Friendship
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