Thursday, August 12, 2010


Yesterday I watched Restrepo, the movie about the worst corner of the war in Afghanistan.

Here's the trailer:

Both the movie and the book War both by Sebastian Junger, are about a year in Afghanistan with an infantry company assigned to the Korengal Valley.  Although based on the same year, the book and movie are very different, even focusing on different soldiers.

The movie is a documentary, but faster.  It doesn't explain, but shows what life is like.  And the soldiers on camera are more candid than I ever would have expected.  The commander of the unit busts on his predecessor so much I hope those two are never assigned to the same unit in the future.

I watch so few movies--this is my first in 2010--that I can't compare Restrepo to other films.  But I can tell you that I find many war movies silly or funny or both.  I wasn't laughing during Restrepo.  I was leaned forward in my theater seat and stayed all the way through the final credits.


  1. Where did you see it? I went to the Facebook page but didn't find any local theaters where it's showing.

  2. Julian--I saw it in NYC. Maybe it will be out on video soon. Don't think it will be in central PA


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