Friday, August 6, 2010

Piss Bottles

In writing about daily life in Iraq, I neglected to write about Gatorade bottles.  Specifically, empty Gatorade bottles.  I never went anywhere without one.  I never had to use the one I kept in my backpack whenever I boarded a helicopter flight, but I always had one.

Neither Blackhawks nor Chinooks have latrines.  And as some of their crew like to say, "We can stay up for hours."  In any case, I made sure to hit the latrine before boarding every flight and had that bottle just in case the Blackhawk had to stay up longer than I could wait.

In all the convoy training we did at Fort Sill and in Kuwait, I had that same empty bottle just in case that convoy kept moving.

And I kept an empty bottle in my CHU, just in case. . .

My commander once announced that he only relieves himself three times a day.  Any more than that is a waste of time.  I agreed with him in principle, but in actual fact, I am 57 years old and that kind of schedule is a long way in my past.


  1. Three times a day. I get up about 3 times every night!

  2. When I was a trac commander on a M113A1 in the engineers...when we trained in Ft Irwin, I always had a Gator Aid bottle...used it many times when we couldn't stop. (we did have to keep hydrated.)

  3. A question from the ignorant: why not pee over the side?

  4. Nick--Riding inside an armored Humvee there is no side to piss over, and I don't even want to think about the accident report if you try to pee out the door!!!!


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