Saturday, April 10, 2010

Celebrities in the House--Garry Trudeau

Today, just after lunch, I met Garry Trudeau, the creator of Doonesbury.  We got to talk for a minute and I told him I had his Creationist/Tuberculosis cartoon from December 18, 2005, was on my office door during the time I had an office in Iraq and on my wall at work for two years before deployment.  Trudeau also has a cartoon series on Chickenhawks that I have saved on my hard drive.  Too long to post here but, the Dec. 18 cartoon will fit.
Trudeau did not choose tuberculosis at random.  He is the great-grandson of Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau, who created the world-famous Adirondack Cottage Sanitorium for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis at Saranac Lake, New York State. Edward was succeeded by his son Francis and grandson Francis Jr. The latter founded the Trudeau Institute at Saranac Lake, with which his son Garry retains a connection.


  1. Love the cartoon!

    And on that point:

    [Eye roll.]

  2. The Waltke thing is sad, but I am surprised there is not more of it.

  3. I here there is a whole denomination called PCUSA that has no problem with the whole evolution concept.

  4. Sigh, make that "hear".

  5. David--Hear, here!!
    I am theologically orthodox and accept science as the best description of the material world, so I do not belong in the PC USA.
    I get my view of the interaction of faith and science from St. Augustine. It has not been disproved. As long as most literalists can take the command to care for widows and orphans, to visit prisoners, and give their money to the poor as metaphorical, I will not worry about seeing metaphor in Genesis.


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