Thursday, December 17, 2009

5000 Miles In Iraq

At 6:30 this evening on Perimeter Road, I passed 5000 miles on the bike in Iraq. I need 99 more miles to have 7000 total for the year. I should make it by Christmas.
That makes more than 400 times around the Perimeter Road. I am a hamster!!!


  1. Hail to the human hamster! What a milestone. And how many bicycles did you go through? How does this count measure up to what you ride, on average in the States?

  2. Do you remember our first hampster Gertrude?

  3. Susan--In a good year I ride 10,000 miles. This year I will have 7000, with 5000 in Iraq. Not bad.


Back in Panama: Finding Better Roads

  Today is the seventh day since I arrived in Panama.  After some very difficult rides back in August, I have found better roads and hope to...