Friday, October 30, 2009

Camp Garry Owen Flight Pictures

Before we even took off, the weather was getting bad.

Just north is a river--and trees!!!

Camp Garry Owen

The poop oven--note the screws in the toilet seat--not very comfortable.

This tent is Home Sweet Home for a dozen soldiers.


  1. Wow I support these guys 200%. My boyfriend is there right now and I'm glad to have some insight in his life here. Thanks for this blog and pictures.
    All the best.

  2. I found this page by googling the camp. Thank you for posting this. My husband will be there soon and now I can put a picture with the name for where he is going.

  3. Your boyfriend is definitely not in the Garden Spot of Iraq, but most of the guys I served with who were assigned there got to like--less chicken shit than a big base and good security.

  4. I am living in this tent right now. The brown Fridge is still here on the same shelf. The green sheet are still up. Not much has changed.

  5. I also have a fiance who is stationed there until April 2011. It is very nice to be able to see how he is living over there. Thank you!

  6. The soldiers I know who were there actually liked it at Garry Owen--that was my big surprise.

  7. Please take these photos down. There have been a string of attacks on southern bases in Southern Iraq recently. Those looking to kill Soldiers don't need any more intelligence then they already have.
    When we close Iraq down, feel free to put these photos back up.


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