Friday, May 1, 2009

Tour of Our Camp

Here are a few views of our current home taken by my Battle Buddy.

The Showers at the edge of tent city

Our Tents

Blast walls surround every building or group of buildings. Units decorate the blast walls as they pass through the camp.

Starbucks seen from the dirt road out front

The Post Chapel. That is a Baptist full-immersion baptismal out front!!


  1. Susan Helsel (mailmom105)May 2, 2009 at 8:43 AM

    Thank you so much for the photos. I am a very visual person and it's great to see the conditions of where
    West and his comrades are living. It's just another reminder for me that being 'left behind' isn't as bad as I sometimes think it is!

  2. Hello from Georgia. Just found out about your site from my little brother (actually, his wife,) Battle Buddy. Will be checking in as often as I can; since I don't do facebook and BB does. Suppose I could update! Goodspeed to you all. JasonT


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