Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Speaking of Snail Mail

I have an address at my new home:

Sgt. Neil Gussman
Co. E 2/104 GSAB
COB Adder T-1

Just so you understand all the Acronyms and numbers, here is the address without abbreviations:

Line 1: Sergeant Neil Gussman

Line 2: Echo Company, 2nd Battalion / 104th General Services Aviation Brigade

Line 3: Combat Operating Base Adder T-1

Line 4: Army Post Office.Armed[Forces]Europe.[Zip Code]

If you would like to send something I would be happy to get snail mail. If you can't think of anything to write, one of the Chaplains wants me to start a CS Lewis reading group on post so if you have extra copies of Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, God in the Dock, Till We Have Faces and The Weight of Glory, please send them. Or you can send them direct through Amazon.com.



  1. Hello Hero! Hope all is well with u and urs. GWG

  2. Happy Saturday Neil!
    I'm the Chaplain Support Team leader for an all volunteer organization called Soldier's Angels, and we would be thrilled to make contact with you and your Chaplain in order to support you during your honorable deployment. If you'd like to hear more about what we can help with, you can check out our website at www.soldiersangels.org. There you will see what our mission is, as well as a contact email address for the Chaplain support team.

    Thank you from the heart for all you are doing - we are so proud of you!
    Smiles and Blessings,
    Dina Katkansky
    Chaplain Support Team Leader
    Soldier's Angels


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