Saturday, May 3, 2008

55th Birthday, Part 2

Today at final formation, one of the senior sergeants whispered to our first sergeant that "yesterday was Gussman's 55th birthday." So he led Echo company in happy birthday. They don't usually sing happy birthday, but since most of the people in the formation are three decades younger than I am, they thought 55 was worth singing about. No cake though.


  1. Happy belated birthday.

    On Friday they announced that one of our guys had his 31st birthday that day. So he got Happy Birthday sung to him, and then he had to knock out 31 pushups. I'll have my 46th down here at Ft. Gordon in June, so I hope that isn't a new tradition. :-)

  2. Happy Birthday Big Brother,
    I'm sure you can knock out 55 pushups without a problem. I'll do 53 once I hit the send key. Did you get a message on your cellphone that sounded like the voice of an angel? That was me.
    Birthday Love,

  3. Meredith--thanks much.
    Walt--I did 56 at the gym, then collapsed.
    DSS Jean--I'll listen to the message. Thanks.


The Every-Other-Asshole Rule

  My Dad, Lt. George Gussman, during World War II My Dad had several favorite bits of wisdom he lived by.  “You can tell who boozes by the c...