Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Deployment Date

It's now official. I'll be going to Iraq in 2009 sometime in the spring, although we will leave for pre-deployment training in the US in mid-winter. On Friday we begin a three weeks of pre-deployment training that will be our "Summer Camp." We will be doing some cool stuff, so I plan to write every day if possible.


  1. I'm starting the novena (or a bunch of them) that this war ends before you're deployed. I'd so much prefer that you'd serve our country here in the States!

  2. Praying for you oh and post up a review of the Petraus book when you get the chance :-)


Tribe by Sebastian Junger -- The Ancient Roots of Many Problems of the Modern World

In October, I went a conference on Tribalism and Cosmopolitanism .  The first and featured speaker was Sebastian Junger , author of seven bo...