Friday, March 14, 2008

Army School: Free Food or Fitness

For those of us who prefer to work out in the afternoon instead of 5 am, the Army school schedule means I have to choose between free food and fitness. We get an hour for lunch. I can go the chow hall in the van or ride for about 30 minutes and get fast food at a base concession. I have opted for fast food to take advantage of the 50-60 degree weather every day. Same thing for dinner. We are done with class by 6 pm and the gym closes at 8pm. So the last few days I have ridden or gone to the gym to work out and run, and missed the free food at the mess hall. Tonight I tried to have it all. I rode for an hour and 15 minutes, showed up at the mess hall at 1850--ten minutes before closing, left at 1910, gym at 1920, 20 minutes of upper body, 20 minutes on the treadmill and out the door at 1956. Next time I will wait until after the run to eat. Free food is not worth the feeling of running on a full stomach.


  1. Doesn't the quality of the fast food nullify the benefits of exercise??

  2. My $0.02: You just have to skip the sugary drinks, the fries, and maybe the bun. Get unsweetened tea and a side salad for instance.

  3. Meredith--I am training for events not exercising to lose weight, so the food does not matter all that much.
    Walt--I can eat almost anything and ride and there is almost nothing I can eat and run. I'll just run after I eat, but thanks for the suggestions.


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