Veteran of four wars, four enlistments, four branches: Air Force, Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard. I am both an AF (Air Force) veteran and as Veteran AF (As Fuck)
Saturday, April 11, 2020
All My Passport Stamps--Memories Rebuilt
After I returned from my most recent trip to Europe and Israel, I decided put together a spreadsheet of the stamps in my passports. Like so much of my life, I start late and then become obsessed. I got my first passport just after my 44th birthday in 1997. I had been overseas before that. I was stationed in Germany for three years with the U.S. Army and had seen a lot of Germany and some of France and Portugal with no passport. American soldiers could travel Western Europe without a passport during the Cold War.
The second reason I persisted in putting together the 170-line document is that I have a five-year gap in my bicycling records, in fact in all of my records. I started riding a bicycle seriously in 1988 two years after I quit smoking. In 1989, I started keeping track of miles and races and big ride. From 1989 to 1996 I have paper logs I got from Runners World magazine every year.
Then in 1997 I started using Microsoft Excel to keep track of mileage. In 2002 I switched from a PC to a Mac and somewhere in my digital history I managed to lose all records and files from 1997 to 2001. I have a lovely spreadsheet of all my miles from 2002 to 2017.
In that five-year period from 1997 to 2001 were some of the best rides I ever had. Although passport stamps have their own problems as records, the stamps from trips gave me a pretty good record of where I was which has helped me to reconstruct some of the memories of that time.
Between April 1998 and November 2000, I worked for a multinational company whose main product was white pigment. During those 2-1/2 years I traveled to seventeen countries on five continents--I was supposed to go to Africa on one trip, but the trip got cancelled--traveling nearly every month for a total of 28 trips I could piece together from the stamps. On all but two of the trips, I took a road bike with me. Before September 2001, taking a bike was free on an overseas trip and only $50 per flight in America. There was still the hassle of oversized baggage, but no charge back then.
Five of the trips were Round the World trips, usually somewhere in Europe first, then Singapore, Australia and/or Hong Kong, then back to America. Two of the trips were more than half-way round the world going from the US to Europe to South America then back to America. I also made trips directly to Asia and back: to Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore.
According to the passport stamps, the top countries I have visited are France, Germany, the UK, Brazil, China, Singapore and Hong Kong. For each of these countries I have more than ten stamps. But I have made more trips to Italy than all but the top three countries and I only have two stamps. I have, for instance, been to Turin, Italy five times since 1999, but I have traveled there from France twice in a train through the Alps (an amazing trip), twice in a car and once in a regional jet. I went to Florence and Padua by driving from Switzerland--no passport stamps.
I have been to eighteen countries for which I have no passport stamp. Many of the 53 countries I have visited are in the European Union. Some I passed through in a car or on a bicycle or a train and never passed through customs. I have no stamp for Portugal, Ireland, Andorra, Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Kosovo, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Lithuania or Estonia.
During my first long overseas ride in 2017, somewhere between Serbia and Ukraine, I quit keeping tracking of mileage. I became a regular user of Strava. I got so much data out of Strava that keeping spreadsheet seemed redundant.
I'll write about rides I can fill in using passport and other travel information I have. With coronoa virus, it could be a while before I add more stamps to my current passport.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Trump and the Death of Honor
I loved being a soldier and hate what is happening to the American military
In the 44 years I was in the military between 1972 and 2016, I saw racial equality become reality just eight years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Not perfect, but way better than the civilian world. I grew up hearing my Dad talk about being the Jewish commander of a Black Company during World War II, and then he became commandant of an Afrika Korps Prisoner of War Camp.
When I re-enlisted in 2007 women were part of the force, not marginal. By the time I left women were being accepted in combat leadership and gay soldiers served openly.
And then Trump was elected.
Since 2017 Trump has insulted the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon, dismissed the intelligence chiefs in public in Helsinki just to kiss Putin's ass, insulted every NATO ally, betrayed the Kurds to suck up to the dictator in Turkey, pardoned a war criminal causing the Secretary of the Navy to resign and now he fires the Captain of an ship who tried to protect his sailors, then sends the new sycophant Secretary of the Navy to insult the Captain on his ship.
During those 44 years, the country went from hating the military to loving the military. Now Trump is bringing the military down to his own dishonorable level.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
"Midway" Movie Shows How Great American Leadership Can Be
My son Nigel and I just finished watching the movie "Midway." I first saw it in a theater in Paris in November. I cried three times during the movie at the beginning listening to the voice of President Roosevelt, at end watching the dive bomber pilot Dick Best leave his ship in a wheelchair and in the middle watching the defiant death of gunner Bruno Gaudi.
This time I just teared up at the end.
My initial response to the movie, which begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor, was deep sadness listening to the President we had versus who runs the country now.
Today was the first time I saw the movie since the beginning of the pandemic. From Pearl Harbor to victory, America led the fight against Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. Now we can't even nationalize the response to the virus, nor the distribution of medical supplies.
It was also more stark this time that the key to victory was the way Admiral Nimitz believed his intelligence officers and listened to evidence--not on idiotic gut feelings and wishes.
The movie has been criticized for using too many speeches both by the Japanese and American leaders. It is the starkest contrast with the movie "Dunkirk" which explains almost nothing and presumes great tactical and strategic knowledge on the part of the viewer.
If you watch the movie at home and don't like spectacular war scenes, fast forward through the fighting and listen to the conversations. It's a brilliant example of leadership at many levels on both sides of the battle.
The distance between President Roosevelt and the current President could be measured in light years.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
"He Wood Ride Anything with Wheels"--Riding a bike made of ash wood up a 1000-meter climb
This bike is entirely made from ash wood including the seat and handlebars
It's not great for a 1000-meter climb on a switchback road.
Several times during my recent trip in Europe and Asia I switched my plans to avoid the places where the pandemic was currently worst. I was in Athens when I was supposed to be in Rome. It was a Sunday. The bike rental shops were closed. The only place I could rent a bike was at an upscale hotel that was connected to a local company that makes bikes from ash trees--fifty bikes per tree and then they plant fifty seedling trees for each tree they use. Here is their website.
The bikes are seven-speed, planetary hub city bikes. Three miles away from my hotel was a 1000-meter high mountain in the middle of the city with several cell towers at the top. It was 60 degrees, sunny and I wanted to ride! So I rented the wooden bike, raised the seat as high as I could and rode up the mountain.
At three miles up, the road got really steep and I had to walk a hundred meters, but then it leveled a little and I kept going. The view was beautiful. Halfway up I looked back at the city and was looking down on the Acropolis. Further up the road turned south and I was looking at the harbor and the Aegean Sea. Near the top the switchback interval got shorter and the grade went above ten percent. I gave up when I was looking at the base of the cell towers knowing I could get a steel bike with a triple crank the next day and ride to the top.
Along with its planetary gearset, the bike had a caliper brake on the front wheel, but a coaster brake in the rear. On the way down the mountain, riding into a couple of switchbacks I slid the rear wheel when I went to backpedal and braked instead. By the bottom I was used to it, but it made me realize that I backpedal on the way into sharp turns--some of the switchbacks were 180 degrees.
The road had few guardrails and many long, sheer drops. I thought if I had really screwed up with the coaster brake my epitaph could be: "He Wood Ride Anything with Wheels."
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Google maps is mostly wonderful, but occasionally just terrible.
Alligator or Crocodile: Google maps wanted me to find out in person!
Google maps is mostly wonderful, but occasionally just terrible. I rented a car at the Athens airport and drove back to a hotel where I was staying. The hotel was six miles away in a little village. For some reason, Google maps told me to leave the highway and take a dirt road to the hotel. For almost a mile, I followed the road with an increasing sense of foreboding. At first it was two very small cars wide, then narrower.
Then it went from straight to winding. There were stray dogs on and near the road. Then the road turned slightly downhill. Although Athens is mostly very hilly, the area near the airport is flat and occasionally marshy. Slightly downhill can be significant.
It was. I rounded a corner and there was a puddle. A big puddle. A width of the road puddle. I stopped. I stared. In the light of a waxing moon, the puddle was black but illuminated by the lunar light. I looked beside the puddle and saw no clear path. The puddle itself was smooth—not rocks or branches sticking up through the surface, so it was deep. The Renault Clio I was driving had about three inches of ground clearance, I had one bar of cell service, so I turned around and went back to the highway.
Google tried to get me to turn around and go back to the impromptu alligator habitat, but I kept driving on the highway until it recalculated me a route on pavement. Or was it crocodiles?
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Persistent Pitch Men and Women in front of Athens Restaurants
Restaurant row in Athens. Each restaurant has a
pitch man or woman saying some version of "Eat here!"
pitch man or woman saying some version of "Eat here!"
Between my hotel and Athens and the place I rented bikes was a block of restaurants. They were side by side competing for tourists who could only eat so many meals. My favorite coffee place was also at the far end of the line, so I passed restaurant row several times a day for three days.
Outside each of the restaurants was a hawker. A man or woman who would say, “Eat here. Authentic Greek food. Or pizza if you want.” I passed by. Crossing the narrow street to the opposite sidewalk was no help. Some of the times I was walking by I was wearing spandex—not a fashion choice of anyone else that I could see.
Finally, the last night I wanted to eat a pizza, so I went in the restaurant with a tall, bearded guy doing the pitches and ordered pizza and water.
When I left, I had to pass by a half-dozen other hawkers. One of them, a short, intense woman in her forties said, “Why did you go to his place? What did they offer you? Was it free beer? They give free beer.”
I was going to keeping walking, then I stopped and said, “They gave me a brand-new car. They gave me a 2020 Renault Clio.”
She looked stunned for a minute then recovered and said, “What else?” Then the woman hawking for the restaurant beside hers, a taller woman in her late 20s, smiled and said, “Yes, what else did they give you?”
I said, “Two motorcycles. A Ducati Monster and Honda CBR1000.”
She said, “You better be careful and not drink too much if you are riding those bikes.”
I said I drank a whole bottle of sparkling water and would not touch the bikes till morning. She smiled. The first woman forced a smile. Clearly, she had a side bet going about whether the old guy in spandex would ever eat in one of their restaurants.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
A Woman Who Took Charge Like a Drill Sergeant Meeting a Recruit Bus
On the 15th of February at the beginning of a five-week trip across Europe and Israel, my friend Cliff and I took an Al Italia flight from Frankfurt to Tel Aviv, changing planes in Rome. Because the first flight was between two European Union countries, there was no customs check. We had a two-hour layover and knew there would be a customs check before flying to Israel.
We landed about a half-hour late; the next flight was in another terminal. As we left the plane, Cliff and I wondered if we would be spending the night in Rome. As we cleared the Jetway, we saw a tall, blond woman wearing an Al Italia flight attendant uniform holding a sign that said: Tel Aviv.
When we joined the group, she made a quick count, then an about face and marched away holding up the sign and saying, "Follow please." We followed, about 20 of us. Fast. Cliff and I made jokes about whether we could keep up. We also said if she were not ex-military, she had us fooled.
After a long march she swept up to the customs area and pointed at two lines we were to join. We obeyed. All 20 of us. Customs proceeded quickly under the eye of our leader. When we were all through customs, she counted, turned and marched us to the gate. We made the flight in plenty of time. Once we were in line, she turned and marched back to her other duties.
It is a small joy for an old sergeant to follow someone confident who knows exactly what she is doing.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Shades of Yellow--in Taxis
This lovely, pale shade of yellow is the color of taxis in Greece
This German-standard color of taxis has also been declared yellow by the government in Greece.
This is the cab of Niko, the taxi driver who took me to my hotel. It is only yellow in Greece.
When I first arrived in Greece, the hotel where I was staying sent a taxi for me. The taxi ride was free, along with a very low nightly rate at the hotel. The driver, Niko, met me at international arrivals. We walked to his cab. I noticed that many of the cabs were Mercedes and that they were a pale yellow—very different from the harsh yellow of NYC taxicabs. When we got to his cab, it was cream color. I said, “This is the color of a German cab.”
Niko spoke English well and told me about flying to Europe to buy the cab. He was part of a group of Greek cab drivers who got permission to use cabs in German cream color rather than yellow. He said the government decided to call cream color a shade of yellow, allowing any cabbie who wanted a cab that color to do so without special permission.
Like German cabs, there are no ads, phone numbers or writing of any kind on cabs. Not all are Mercedes, but all the cabs I saw were a paler yellow than is true in America.
As in Tbilisi and Jerusalem, I saw a lot of Priuses as cabs. Hybrids really are at their best in the intermittent, fast/slow/stop driving of city cabs. Niko wanted to keep driving Mercedes sedans as long as he could. We talked like two old motorheads (which we are) about the joys of driving the A5 Autobahn in Germany in the middle of the night and going 150mph.
Niko wants to travel to America someday, to New York and to California. He loves Greece and is very proud of the projected number of tourists for the coming year. He said 36 million was the projected number. The coronavirus will certainly put a damper on that, and on Niko’s travel plans.
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