Sunday, December 30, 2018

First Book of 2019, "A Tale of Love and Darkness" by Amos Oz

Amos Oz with his parents 
Fania and Yehuda Arye Klausner
Jerusalem 1946

I am reading “A Tale of Love and Darkness” by Amos Oz.  It is his autobiography. The only other book I read by him is "How to Cure a Fanatic" which I bought in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem last year.  Oz passed away just a few days ago, so I decided to read about his life. He has written more than twenty novels and nearly as many non-fiction works.  Just 24 pages into the book, I am finding it magical. I transcribe passages I like so I can remember them and refer to them again. Below is a long and beautiful passage about books and love and life.

To introduce the passage: Oz was born in Jerusalem in 1939. His father was a librarian.  When Amos was seven, his father gave him one half of one of the many bookshelves that filled their small apartment. Amos lined up the books by height. When his father came home, he was aghast. Then he was silent.  The passage that follows is beautiful. It is a lesson I learned much later than Amos Oz. As I read the passage I was overwhelmed with the recognition that occurs when I read something and know that the writer and I see some part of the world the same way. Oz writes:

            “At the end of the silence Father began talking, in the space of twenty minutes, he revealed to me the facts of life. He held nothing back. He initiated me into the deepest secrets of the librarians lore: he laid bare the main highway as well as the forest tracks, dizzying prospects of variations, nuances, fantasies, exotic avenues, daring schemes and even eccentric whims. Books can be arranged by subject, by alphabetical order of authors’ names, by series of publishers, in chronological order, by languages, by topics, by areas and fields, or even by place of publication. There are so many different ways.

            “And so I learnt the secret of diversity. Life is made up of different avenues. Everything can happen in one of several ways, according to different musical scores and parallel logics. Each of the parallel logics is consistent and coherent in its own terms, perfect in itself, indifferent to all the others.

            “In the days that followed I spent hours on end arranging my little library, twenty or thirty books that I dealt and shuffled like a pack of cards, rearranging them in all sorts of different ways.

            “So I learnt from books the art of composition, not from what was in them but from the books themselves, from their physical being. They taught me about the dizzying no-man’s-land or twilight zone between permitted and forbidden, between the legitimate and the eccentric, between the normative and the bizarre. This lesson has remained with me ever since. By the time I discovered love, I was no greenhorn. I knew that there different menus. I knew that there was a motorway and a scenic route, also unfrequented byways where the foot of man had barely trodden. There were permitted things that were almost forbidden and forbidden things that were almost permitted. There were so many different ways.”

Friday, December 28, 2018

Books of 2018: Three Novels by Alison Joseph

Since September, I read three mystery novels by Alison Joseph. She is the author of a dozen books set in early 20th Century England in small country villages.  Agatha Christie is a character in some of the dozen or so books Alison Joseph has published, including one of the novels I read. Christie is trying to write a book and is interrupted by being dragged reluctantly into solving an actual murder. 
I am not very good at puzzles, so I read mysteries that are good stories. When I got to the end of each of the novels, I was surprised to find who committed the murders. I won’t say anything else because any clue at all helps those sharp-minded people who love solving mysteries and really can figure out “Who Done It?” before the end.
I read all of Dorothy Sayers Lord Peter Whimsy novels because I loved the stories. I feel the same about the novels of Alison Joseph. They are really good stories that happen to be about solving a murder. 
This year I read: Murder Will Out, Dying to Know and Hidden Sins. Next month I’m planning to read The Dying Light.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Three Books by the Historian Timothy Snyder

Timothy Snyder, historian of the Holocaust and Eastern Europe
Three books by the historian Timothy Snyder about the Holocaust, fascism and tyranny:
On Tyranny is a little book published as it became clear that Donald Trump would be the Republican candidate for President. The book lists 20 lessons from the 20th Century on tyranny and its consequences. I copied each of the 20 lessons and posted them on Facebook in the 20 days prior to the 2018 elections.  I thought there was a chance the President would cancel the election. All of his tendencies are tyrannical.
Black Earth is a country-by-country history of the Holocaust with manner of death per country and the political situation in each that encouraged slaughter or survival.  At the end of the book, Snyder acknowledges the heroes who saved Jews from the slaughter that was the worst in countries between Germany. Then he says the Holocaust represents a complete failure of the state Churches. I have always believed the Church dies when it has power. Snyder demonstrates this in terrible detail.
The Road to Unfreedom maps the demise of democracy in Russia, Europe and America as authoritarian leaders take control of democratic governments. This book is contemporary history. Snyder shows how Russia attacked Ukraine both on the ground and in cyberspace. It also covers how those living in Eastern Europe were expected Trump to win long before Americans thought he had a chance. This book is much less sad than Black Earth, but since it so clearly shows how democracy is crumbling it is very chilling.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018--A Year of Books in Groups of Three

Jill Lepore, author of These Truths, my favorite book of 2018

When I looked at the list of books I read in 2018, I realized that the books fell into groups of three:
·      Three books by the historian of The Holocaust, Eastern Europe and Fascism, Timothy Snyder.
·      Three detective novels by the delightful mystery writer Alison Joseph.
·      I re-read three books by C.S. Lewis.
·      In addition to threes by author, there were threes by type:  I read three science books, three books with French text, and, including books I am currently reading, three books with Russian text and three with Hebrew text, just one with Ancient Greek text.
·      I read three philosophy books: two by Hannah Arendt, one by Mark Belaguer.
·      Among the seven history books I read were three about Israel: one about the Yom Kippur War, one about the Battle for Jerusalem in 1948, and one chronicling the history of the Hebrew language.
·      Another three history books were about America. I finally read Anti-Intellectualism in America by Richard Hofstadter, at the same time I was reading and annotated Constitution of the US, and my favorite book of the year These Truths by Jill Lepore—a one-volume, nearly-one-thousand-page history of the United States.
·      The dozen fiction books I read include the three by Alison Joseph; three authors I have read for the first time: Philip Roth, Michael Chabon, and Albert Camus; three books by authors of whom I have read nearly everything the have written: Kazuo Ishiguro, Mark Helprin and George Orwell; and I finally read Dune by Frank Herbert.
·      Since everything can’t go in threes, I read one art book, a biography of U.S. Grant, Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot, two self-help books and a dull memoir.
·      This year there were no books I loathed, as happened last year, but I did have the experience for the first time of not really liking a book by Kazuo Ishiguro. This year I read Unconsoled. I had read all of his other books and stories and was enthralled. But Unconsoled left me flat. I read it to the end, hoping the magic would be there, but it was not. On the other hand, the book I read by Mark Helprin “Paris in the Present Tense” is now my favorite among all of his books and stories.
In future blog posts, I will write in more detail about my groups of three.  
Since I am getting more and more history and analysis from podcasts, I am also going to write a post about this method of information delivery along with books.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Life as a Tank Commander in Cold War Germany--On a Podcast

Me in 1977 in Germany on top of my tank

Today the second of two episodes of the Cold War History Podcast went live with Ian Sanders, the Host, and I talking about life in Cold War West Germany when I was a tank commander in the US Army.

It was a lot of fun to remember training for war and enjoying the beautiful country.  Part of my decision to leave the Army and become a writer began with writing home about how beautiful Germany is and the excitement of leading a tank crew training to defend that country against Soviet invasion.

Click here for a link to the episode.

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Resignation of General James Mattis is Good, But Not Enough

Generaloberst Ludwig Beck
Mattis's resignation is good, but not enough. It was not enough in Germany in 1938:
Ludwig August Theodor Beck (29 June 1880 – 21 July 1944) was a German general and Chief of the German General Staff during the early years of the Nazi regime in Germany before World War II. Ludwig Beck was never a member of the Nazi Party, though in the early 1930s he supported Adolf Hitler's forceful denunciation of the Versailles Treaty and belief in the need for Germany to rearm. Beck had grave misgivings regarding the Nazi demand that all German officers swear an oath of fealty to the person of Hitler in 1934, though he believed that Germany needed strong government and that Hitler could successfully provide this so long as he was influenced by traditional elements within the military rather than the SA and SS.
In serving as Chief of Staff of the German Army between 1935 and 1938, Beck became increasingly disillusioned, standing in opposition to the increasing totalitarianism of the Nazi regime and Hitler's aggressive foreign policy. It was due to public foreign policy disagreements with Hitler that Beck resigned as Chief of Staff in August 1938. From this point, Beck came to believe that Hitler could not be influenced for good, and that both Hitler and the Nazi party needed to be removed from government. He became a major leader within the conspiracy against Hitler, and would have been regent ("Reichsverweser") had the 20 July plot succeeded, but when the plot failed, Beck was arrested. Reportedly he made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide, and was then shot dead.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Army Christmas: 1978 and 2008

A half-second Google search showed me 
hundreds of Army Christmas Trees. 

Forty years ago, I was about to celebrate my third Christmas in West Germany.  The following year, just before Christmas, I would leave the active duty Army. For most of the following three decades I was a civilian with a beard who served almost seven years on active duty, then left to get a "real job."

Christmas in Cold War West Germany was an odd mixture of homesickness and being in the place where the Christmas tree, and Saint Nicholas, and wreaths and ornaments came from.  Christmas in Germany is deeply traditional and beautiful.  And "Stillen Nacht" sung by a German Choir is the best Christmas Carol I ever heard.

Ten years ago, I was about celebrate Christmas with my family. The year before, in 2007, I had re-enlisted in the Army National Guard. In January, I would be going to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, for pre-deployment training, then to Iraq until 2010.

We had the same complicated Christmas that a yours, mine, and ours family has every year with in-laws, out-laws and others sharing Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the days before and after.  But in 2008, I knew the next Christmas would be in Iraq.

Christmas far from home or getting ready to deploy is sad in some ways, but it is also more vivid.  And it makes the next Christmas at home more intense, especially the complicated holidays my family celebrates in four or more states across several days.

And this year I am volunteering overnight at a homeless shelter Christmas Eve through Christmas morning with my Synagogue, just to make the season even more merry and complicated.

Happy Whatever You Celebrate or Already Celebrated!!!

To compliment the Army Christmas Tree, 
I found an Israeli Defense Forces Menorah.

George Washington to Donald Trump--Falling into a National Abyss

  George Washington was a brave and passionate young man who by will and desire controlled his internal fires. He made himself the stern man...