Friday, March 26, 2021

The Life of a Russian Monk and Holy Fool in the late 1400s: Laurus


In 2016, the ESL Book Group I am part of began when four of us kept asking each other, "Did you read this book? What do you think about it?"

The first of many books we would read was Laurus, a book about a Russian Monk and Holy Fool set in the late 1,400s.  Sarah Gingrich loved this book and convinced Andrea Bailey and I to read it. 

I just finished re-reading it yesterday. At my age, much of it was new again five years later.  This Sunday afternoon our book group will discuss Laurus and for the first time a monk will be part of our discussion.  My best friend Cliff became Bruder Timotheus after both of us left the military in 1979.  He stayed in Germany at a monastery in Darmstadt.  Here is an introduction to Cliff.

I am very much looking forward to discussing this strange and wonderful book.  Here is what I wrote about my first reading.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Celebrating a Million Views; Almost 2,000 Posts; Top Posts are Cold War, Iraq War and WWII


A Million Views

When I started this blog it was to record my deployment to Iraq in 2009-10. I landed at Camp Adder on my 56th birthday and thought it would be worth keeping a record of life for an Old Cold War Soldier in a 21st Century War.

When I returned from Iraq, I did not know how long I would stay. I kept writing blog posts about my part-time service in the National Guard. Over time and after I left the Guard, I wrote more about my service in the Cold War, then about books I was reading, and about soldiers I served with.  

I plan to keep writing about soldiers I served with. I will be going to a reunion of my Cold War tank unit later this year.  Once most of the world is vaccinated, I plan to visit more Cold War landmarks in Europe, Vietnam and Israel.  The wars in Korea, Israel, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Grenada and other places between 1946 and 1991 are also part of the Cold War legacy.  I hope to visit as many as I can and write about it.

All of life follows the exponential curve and my blog posts are no exception.  The top ten of more than 1,900 posts have almost 100,000 views, or one-tenth of all the views of my posts. Five of the top ten are about the Cold War, four from the Iraq War and one about a veteran of World War II.  

The top posts in order of number of views: 

A friend from the Iraq War promoted to Colonel:

A World War II bomber pilot who flew with the author of Catch-22:

My first military haircut, February 1, 1972:

The best top sergeant I ever served with:

The smell of diesel takes me back to the Cold War Army:

One of the most dramatic moments I experienced, watching a half dozen B-52 Stratofortress bombers scramble on Hill Air Force Base, Utah, in 1974:

Outside Lowry Air Force Base in 1972 was the Topless Shoeshine Parlor:

The saddest story on my blog about a World War II veteran and Cold War scientist:

A Blackhawk helicopter pilot from my Iraq tour in 2009-10:

My Home Sweet Trailer Home in Iraq:

And a few more of my favorites:  

Tanks from the inside and outside:

C-Rations vs. MREs:

Post-Cold-War Hero:


Monday, March 15, 2021

Democrats Must Claim Patriotism, Family Values

At my Synagogue, our Monday Book Discussion Group is reading Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.  

As we finish the book, it is clear to me that in our divided country, the definition of patriotism is taking a severe beating.  If the Common Good has a chance of being restored in America, then the Democrats must define patriotism in public.  We must define what it means to be an American, or the anti-democratic party on the right will redefine America as a dictatorship.  

Since 2015, in every way possible, the right wing of American politics and culture has turned its back on democracy and grabbed for power to the point of celebrating immorality.  The attack on the Capitol on January 6 was promoted and orchestrated and blessed by the former President and his minions in Congress.  They celebrate the murder of police officers. They want more.

He is out of office, but his traitors continue to hold office in our democratic government.  That is wrong. Everyone who voted for the insurrection should be stripped of office.  The worst of them: Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and the lawmakers who brought the terrorists into the Capitol should be jailed for their crimes.  

The Evangelical Church in America takes the words of Jesus and pisses on them. How could anyone who has ever read the Sermon on the Mount think the former President is sent by or chosen by God?  He is a bully, a coward, and brags about breaking commandments.  The preachers who promote him are worse because they know better.  

Democrats are the only leaders who voted to help poor and needy Americans with relief. The recent rescue bill passed the Congress with the votes of those who care about Americans who lost their jobs, their health, their health insurance, and family members during the pandemic.  

Democrats care about and promote Voting Rights, Women's Rights, Civil Rights, and LGBTQ Rights. President Joseph Biden is fighting the pandemic and working to undo the damage done by the former occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

We fight for families, 

we fight for kids, 

we fight for the poor, 

we fight for jobs with a living wage, 

we fight for the free exercise of religion, 

the other side spews hate and fights only for donors.

Democrats want liberty and justice for all. We are the patriots. The party of Qanon and hate is not America.  

Monday, March 8, 2021

Field Guide to Domestic Terrorists: Qanon

On January 6 when domestic terrorists invaded the U.S. Capitol Building, killed and maimed cops and sought to kill lawmakers, the Qanon conspiracy was at the center of the loathesome gang. 

Qanon is a dark cave full bat shit in which beliefs, like mushrooms, grow and flourish in dark and gloom.  The source of these believes is Q himself (herself?), someone inside the "Deep State" who knows everything and leaks secret information to the true believers.  

The New York Times published a deep dive into Qanon beliefs, which I recommend. 

Now Q has representatives in congress in the person of Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Bobert and more to come.  They are anti-democratic authoritarian loons that should not hold congressional seats.  

From the Anti Defamation League:

  • QAnon is a wide-reaching conspiracy theory popular among a range of right-wing extremists and even some public supporters of President Trump.
  • QAnon, surfaced in 2017 on 4chan, is first and foremost an online trolling and disinformation movement. While it is difficult to gauge the size of the movement, it is likely that QAnon adherents number in the tens of thousands.
  • Adherents follow the anonymous Q, and believe world governments are being controlled by a shadowy cabal of pedophiles (who will eventually be brought to justice by President Trump).
  • The QAnon theory is scattershot and sprawling with anti-government elements; adherents actively sow distrust in democratic institutions.
  • While the ADL does not believe that all QAnon adherents are inherently extremists, this is a dangerous theory that has inspired violent acts.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Books 2021: Red Sea Spies by Raffi Berg


In the late 1970s and early 80s, thousands of Ethiopian Jews escaped from their own country, through Sudan, another state that was an enemy of Israel.  The story of that escape and the Israeli Mossad agents who got the Ethiopian Jews to Israel is the subject of the book Red Sea Spies: The True Story of Mossad's Fake Diving Resort by Raffi Berg. The dramatic events inspired a movie on Netflix also. 

Berg tells this amazing story with enough detail to show just how difficult and precarious the entire operation was from beginning to end, yet at a page-turner pace.  The two men at the center of the story, Dani the agent who organized the operation and kept it going, and Ferede Aklum, the Ethiopian Jew who worked from beginning to end to get his people to Israel, begin with getting a few Jews out with fake documents to the buying and running a diving resort on the Red Sea. The resort allows Jews to be taken out by sea and later is a base that allows hundreds to be flown out at a time on Israeli C-130 Hercules transport planes.  

It is a great story from beginning to end.  I knew so little about Ethiopian Jews and their exodus from remote areas of the country where they lived for more than a millennium.  Now I feel like a witness to a land, sea and air miracle in the late 20th Century.  


George Washington to Donald Trump--Falling into a National Abyss

  George Washington was a brave and passionate young man who by will and desire controlled his internal fires. He made himself the stern man...