Sunday, February 12, 2012

Daily Inspections not acceptable

This weekend many of us went through an Aviation inspection getting ready for a visit by the Inspector General.  A warrant officer who is also a Blackhawk pilot is in charge of the security for the aviation facility.  Because this is a highly secure area, they conduct a 100% inventory of keys at the end of every day.

The inspection requires a semi-annual 100% inventory of the keys.  Our security officer showed the inspector the daily log of key inspections.  Since it says "Daily Log" the inspector said it was unacceptable.

Our security officer asked.  "If we are supposed to have an inspection on June 1 and December 1 could I give you the inspection sheets for those particular days?"

"No" was the answer.  The sheets are labelled Daily so they are unacceptable as Semi-Annual inspection verification.

In the area of key security, he was rated "Unsatisfactory."

Clearly, it is important not to accept daily inspections when a semi-annual inspection is needed.

Welcome to the Army.


  1. I'm curious how the dynamic works. Was the warrant officer lower ranking than the inspector? If not, a "you're a fucking idiot" comment seems appropriate. Also, does the warrant officer have the ability to challenge the finding of the inspection?

  2. Every inspector represents the IG. YFI is not an option.

  3. As I have heard said: "There is stupid and then there is Army stupid".


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