Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Neighbors Might Be Moving

Right across the street from the Coalition DFAC (Dining Facility) is the Romanian Army barracks and motor pool. This group of our allies has named their facility Camp Dracula more for us and the Brits than themselves. I ride past the sign a couple of times a day (at least) and smile. Camp Dracula is one of many decorated blast walls around Tallil. And the rumors say the Romanians will be going home soon. Too bad. I will miss Camp Dracula.

If there are a few dozen decorated blast walls here, there are hundreds and hundreds in Kuwait. Every unit that goes through Kuwait in 2 or 3 weeks tries to paint a blast wall in a "We were here" gesture. I was saving many shots of the best blast walls in Kuwait because I thought I would be writing about the blast wall our unit decorated. The sad story of that is the change in plans and a late start meant our soldiers did not have time to finish the blast wall. Among the whole battalion it was five Echo Company soldiers who attempted to finish the blast wall art. They may be sent back to finish it or they may finish it as we leave Iraq. But in the meantime, here are several examples of the highest expression of this folklore/art.


  1. Thank you for this! I hope there is a book or oollection of these one day :) I can still remember (in grade school and high school)( looking over and over at pictures of artwork done by WW2 soldiers.

  2. The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the blog post From the Front: 05/29/2009 News and Personal dispatches from the front and the home front.

  3. These are great! I'm also sad to hear that Camp Dracula is emptying out-- I bet they were great at the nighttime patrols, eh?

  4. I served in the Peace Corps in Romania. I know from experience that they are quite proud of their crazed prince that stuck heads on poles. They will laugh at the most depressing, horrible stuff (shrug, "Ce se fac?"). They are also great drinkers and cooks. Ask them about tochitura moldoveneasca- best breakfast known to man: a bowl of polenta, with a divot in the middle like mashed potatoes. In the divot, you put sour cream. On top of the sour cream, a runny friend egg. Sprinkle with sausage and cheese...God Bless the Romanians.


On Target Meditation

For several years I have been meditating daily.  Briefly. Just for five or ten minutes, but regularly.  I have a friend who meditates for ho...