Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Trump's Broken Boys

In the Spring of 2016, I met a rich, successful engineer who loved Donald Trump.  Still does, I am sure.  Like many well-educated conservatives my age, and Trump himself, Tom was a draft dodger.  But at the core of his love of Trump was resentment about busing.  He grew up in Chicago. He went to neighborhood schools until high school, planned to go to the high school in his neighborhood, then got bussed to the other side of the city.  

He hated liberals ever since and when Trump said he hated liberals, Tom found his man. The central appeal of Trump is hate and resentment.  Recently I was reminded that those who are bullied will attach themselves to a bully as their protector.  

I went to school with Danny from first grade to high school graduation.  He was short, not athletic, and had an ethnic eastern European name. He was easy to tease and never had many friends. When he graduated high school he left Stoneham and had a successful career. He retired to the very red state of Idaho.  

Since the election he has made a blizzard of Facebook posts, praising everything Trump does and says.

The experience of being bullied can either lead to loathing bullies or identifying with the bully. In this case, the marginal kid who got bullied anglicized both his first and last names, moved across the country and became an avid promoter of everything Trump does. If Trump farts, Danny will gush about the aroma.  

He clearly believes he is on the safe side of bullying now, taking the side of the biggest bully ever to occupy the White House. 

On Friday, Trump and Vance attacked President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office (their turf) surrounded by their worshipful staff.  In this two against one or fifty against one contest, Zelenskyy refused to bow to the bully. He fought off Putin for three years, Trump is a pale orange imitation.  Afterwards, Danny attacked Zelenskyy and has attacked Zelenskyy every day since.  

From the day Trump descended the golden escalator in 2015, the broken boys of America have flocked to Trump. "I am your retribution," Trump said.  

Some who were bullied and managed to survive and thrive were repelled by the game show host who can only punch down. Others saw their revenge in an old,  angry, broken man like themselves. They bought MAGA hats and cheered for hate.  


Draft dodgers did not get lift from Bill Clinton. He apologized. But Trump bragged about being a draft dodger. He gave the cowards who let another man serve in their place an increase in status.

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Trump's Broken Boys

In the Spring of 2016, I met a rich, successful engineer who loved Donald Trump.  Still does, I am sure.  Like many well-educated conservati...