Less than a kilometer from my AirBnb is a short road that connects a residential area with the main bus route to the city. At one end is the massive 7-story Russian embassy. At the other end is a little Russian Orthodox Church which is currently closed for construction.
My wife and I walk by it several times a week after dinner. Last night we met a young couple walking down the hill toward the church with their young toddler. We were walking up. The family was Russian, part of the staff at the embassy.
Today I went to the convenience store closest to my house. The young woman who runs the store (while taking care of two small children) has been very pregnant recently. When I walked in the store her husband, who is usually stocking shelves, was holding a very young baby. Mom had just walked into the back room. A teenage girl was at the counter. I said "Felicidades! Dos dias?" He nodded and said yes, two days old.
A very international neighborhood.
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